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Pagehall litter, again

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in the star again tonight about the litter and filth in pagehall . and up pops brian lodge to say their organising another litter pick , having streets cleaned daily and even more community forums to educate the locals again . how much is all this costing us ? its been going on for years now and after all the money spent , still nothing changes

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I was down there earlier and not much litter on the streets. I even saw a man pick up a bottle of juice that I assume a child had dropped as it was almost full and put it in the bin. The point about the chewing gum is true though.

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I presume this discussion is really just a means to be racist by stealth....

Absolute rubbish, I've seen the rubbish created by these people and the threatening congregation of youths on street corners. Its about time this was sorted, dispersed and these people returned to their own country.

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