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Pagehall litter, again

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They don't have anything left I mean, you know after the bookies and chewing gum and Kappa stuff.


That's not very pleasant.


Afterall we are the "city of sanctuary"




Which seems to have worked very very well.............. for everyone except the people who lived in Sheffield to start with.


I appreciate that there are cultural differences in this situation, but ........

If a City welcomes you because of your difficulties, then surely you are obliged to abide by the rules there.

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Why is it socially acceptable that nations (not all in conflict) feel the need to export their poverty on to us?


I also don't accept the argument that we need to increase the population to deal with our labour needs. Let more people in then you require more to service the system. Its akin to rat trying to catch its tail.


We used to do that for many decades.


---------- Post added 14-04-2017 at 00:23 ----------


So why don't you go and work for free for someone? Would that be because you want a better life for your family? So I presume you've chosen to earn money and live where you do because you think that's the best thing? And that's fine, we all do that, but if you've got no money and are starving are you seriously saying to me that you'd stay put out of some strange misplaced loyalty to not be a burden on another country or would you like any other sane person try to improve your situation by moving abroad if that's what it took? Regardless of whether they are refugees or economic migrants, the immigrants to this country are already showing determination by simply getting here!


There are many many millions that would like to do just that, but its just not feasible. Open borders advocates never seem to accept that if we did open the borders, the public support for a welfare state would evaporate.


---------- Post added 14-04-2017 at 00:27 ----------



Is it me or is the DM getting even more shrill, getting even more like certain 1930's publications, what is happening in Page Hall is not right and needs dealing with, but I don't think the DM helps.

Edited by gamezone07
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I think this is about right and to some extent this is reflected in Burngreave, although things are better here. It does my nut in that SCC only seem to really care about the city centre. Drop a bus ticket there and you get a £50 fine, dump 3 beds and 10 bin bags in the north of Sheffield and they don't seem to be bothered. They really ought to get out to these places and fine people. That includes Parson Cross, Foxhill (recent subject of flytipping thread) and all the other areas it goes on. We know it's not just Page Hall.


On the subject of the Roma, sometimes it is just ignorance. I took one family to task for dumping rubbish on an area that me and a mate had just cleared the day before. They didn't do it again. Someone else I know has Roma neighbours who never litter and have a go at people leaving the local shop who chuck wrappers on the floor.


I think we have to create a culture where chucking litter isn't seen as acceptable, but I think that takes a long time. It involves pulling people up when they do it (I do this a lot, not been punched yet!), it means reporting business who don't have commercial waste arrangements, it means dobbing in landlords who get tenants to chuck all the old furniture out when the tenancy ends, it means making statements and getting prosecutions, it means getting out with your neighbours and picking up litter so that other people can see it's something you care about. Just don't expect a great deal of help from SCC.


I agree with you wholeheartedly with this. SCC targets the City Centre as it is easy and do not want to be seen as grimy and reactive to visitors. Leave the City Centre and head North East and it is another ballgame. I lived on Firth Park Road for over 20 years until recently and grew up there. The area turned from a good neighbourhood to a cesspit in a matter of 4 years. I sat on Neighbourhood Watch committees, police meetings, Resident/ Council meetings who all promised to make a difference and some did ( for a while) but most didn't. The Press came and went, no difference. The Local Advice Centre is only interested in the grants it can get to help the increasing Roma community and no one else.

I think education and the "kid glove" approach has gone on long enough. It has driven a lot of us away from an area we took pride in and also left behind a collection of decent people drowning in the quicksand of filth and degeneration.

A multi organisation task force including decent longstanding residents and business owners needs to be set up and blitz the area with a sustained zero toleranace approach to all forms of anti social behaviour, instead of spending thousands on daily clean ups.

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I agree with you wholeheartedly with this. SCC targets the City Centre as it is easy and do not want to be seen as grimy and reactive to visitors. Leave the City Centre and head North East and it is another ballgame. I lived on Firth Park Road for over 20 years until recently and grew up there. The area turned from a good neighbourhood to a cesspit in a matter of 4 years. I sat on Neighbourhood Watch committees, police meetings, Resident/ Council meetings who all promised to make a difference and some did ( for a while) but most didn't. The Press came and went, no difference. The Local Advice Centre is only interested in the grants it can get to help the increasing Roma community and no one else.

I think education and the "kid glove" approach has gone on long enough. It has driven a lot of us away from an area we took pride in and also left behind a collection of decent people drowning in the quicksand of filth and degeneration.

A multi organisation task force including decent longstanding residents and business owners needs to be set up and blitz the area with a sustained zero toleranace approach to all forms of anti social behaviour, instead of spending thousands on daily clean ups.


Well said - it is an area I have known for over 70 years, I used to live near the park and I have family that do still live there. The Council need to come down really hard on this. They use the phrase - City of Sanctuary but it is no longer that for those of us who were born in Sheffield as these areas go downhill.

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Well said - it is an area I have known for over 70 years, I used to live near the park and I have family that do still live there. The Council need to come down really hard on this. They use the phrase - City of Sanctuary but it is no longer that for those of us who were born in Sheffield as these areas go downhill.


I think its noble to be a city of sanctuary.


But you have to be city where you have more than you need. To offer sanctuary means that you have the cash and the services to be generous. Sheffield has neither.


Everyones council tax going up by 5% because we cant afford to look after the elderly. They assume that everyone has that extra 5% to pay.


And Page Hall has mostly Romanian an Slovak residents. Their countries are safe places to live.

Edited by SkylinePhoto
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Going back to the 'We are a Nation of Immigrants' mantra.


BBC NEWS, Science and Environment, 2.5.2016.

Paul Rincon,Science Editor. 'DNA secrets of the Ice Age unlocked. All Europeans today are related to a single group which lived in and around what is today Belgium, 35,000 years ago.



James Owen. 'Gene study shows that, despite invasions by Romans, Saxons, Vikings, Normans and others, the British have changed little since the Ice Age and the genetic make up of today's white Britons is much the same as it was 12,000 years ago at the end of the last Ice Age.


THE TIMES, 19.3.2015.

Tom Whipple. 'Vikings brought lots of blood, but little DNA to Britain.'


NEW SCIENTIST 18.3.2015.

Andy Goghlan. 'Ancient invaders transformed Britain, but not its DNA.'



( Oxford University) 'Britons still live in Anglo-Saxon tribal Kingdoms. Local communities have largely stayed put for the past 1,400 years. Geneticist, Prof.Sir Walter Bardner of Oxford University " Britain hasn't changed much since 600 AD."


After the Normans, up to the Industrial Revolution, the only significant immigration was from French Hugenots in c1670, which totalled only around 50,000 ( Nigel Farage being a descendent ). Then,up to WW2, very few non-European, non-Christians arrived ( 10k Arabs, 10k Africans, 20k Chinese,20k South Asians, 10k West Indians )


The UK was never, historically, a country of immigrants, far from it, but since de-colonisation in the latter half of the 20th.Century, the rapid rise of mass,uncontrolled, non-European, non-Christian immigration, kicked off by the by the Labour government under Tony Blair in 1997, the UK has been receiving more immigrants PER MONTH from non-European nations than it did in over 150 years of the Late Modern Period at the height of the British Empire, more than the entire number of Hugenots who arrives over the 17th & 18th century period.


Migration Watch UK.

'In 2016, 323,000 British people emigrated from the UK,mainly to Europe, Australia, New Zealand USA Canada, in that same year 650,000 non-Europeans migrated to the UK.


So yes, the UK, and in particular England, over the past 40 years, but explosively since 1997, has now become a country of immigration, but to say we have always been a land of immigrants is to be ignorant of the historical record and the recent understanding of the genetic make-up of the people of Britain. Ignorance, or people pedalling falsehoods for political gain.


All the above is researched, not my own ; let's have the counter arguments now, providing they have the above source links.

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I agree with you wholeheartedly with this. SCC targets the City Centre as it is easy and do not want to be seen as grimy and reactive to visitors. Leave the City Centre and head North East and it is another ballgame. I lived on Firth Park Road for over 20 years until recently and grew up there. The area turned from a good neighbourhood to a cesspit in a matter of 4 years. I sat on Neighbourhood Watch committees, police meetings, Resident/ Council meetings who all promised to make a difference and some did ( for a while) but most didn't. The Press came and went, no difference. The Local Advice Centre is only interested in the grants it can get to help the increasing Roma community and no one else.

I think education and the "kid glove" approach has gone on long enough. It has driven a lot of us away from an area we took pride in and also left behind a collection of decent people drowning in the quicksand of filth and degeneration.

A multi organisation task force including decent longstanding residents and business owners needs to be set up and blitz the area with a sustained zero toleranace approach to all forms of anti social behaviour, instead of spending thousands on daily clean ups.


Most cities are like this now, neo-liberal facades were the money and energy goes in the inner core, while the periphery rots, Liverpool is a clear example.

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The problem with litter in Sheffield is generations old. Was there as long as I can remember. Must be one of the worst in the UK.


The only answer I can think of is the heavy hand of the law. One option:


1) start with Pagehall. Place high vision signs in the open for public saying no littering or a fine

2) get Council to support all the measures to be taken

3) post 3 police there with security guards, say 6 people in 2 shifts. from 08.00-21.00

4) week long "Anti litter" program

5) ability to fine 100 pounds per police

6) one warning only to pick up the litter they have dropped. Detain offender as a clean up person for 4-5 hours if they do not follow directions. Or alternatively they can p/u and be warned a fine due next time. If under 16 call parents to put on notice re fine they will get

7) repeat program as necessary


8) advise Star and other news outlets of the plan so they can report


Littering in the city has gone on for so many years, some stringent measures by store owners and SCC will have to be taken to reverse this very bad habit. It is difficult to get new high tech companies to re-locate and tourists to come, when the city offers no solutions to this anti social situation

Edited by glennpickard
missed word
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