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Pagehall litter, again

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Glenn I have to disagree with what you say - The problem with litter in Sheffield is generations old. Was there as long as I can remember. I don't think so.

I do however agree with your 7 point plan.

I remember in my younger days 50s/60s shopkeepers kept their fronts tidy, swept them regularly, did not allow rubbish to build up on their fronts. They would clear any snow away and ensure the paths were kept clear. Housewives would sweep their fronts weekly, wash down their windowsills and 'donkey stone' their grates and steps of their terraced houses. Kids would not throw down their litter and indeed had very little litter to throw down as often money did not stretch to daily spending on sweets etc. We were brought up to take any sweet wrappers home for throwing away or to find the litter bins.

And then came the 70s..........................but my children and grandchildren were still taught not to throw litter down.

Edited by gene
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Gene I appreciate your position and I do agree that the shopkeepers/housekeepers were not the problem, nor the average working man, nor men at the steelworks.


The problem as I recall was sweet wrappers, bottles, Styrofoam containers, newspapers etc which were left by a younger crowd who had not been taught like you had. On top of this were people who took dogs for a walk and left feces on the pavement. SCC did little or nothing as I recall.


Maybe the problem accelerated in the '70s as people lost jobs and unemployment/frustration increased amongst the teens and young adults


I had the same "Don't litter" training as you, but many did not. I do recall littering as a serious problem in Sheffield, probably starting in the so called "Swinging sixties."


"Litter education" for the future is needed and the SCC should lead the charge, develop a clean up slogan "A clean city is everyone's business ?" Re-introduce litter bins?


The cost of such a program would be an investment for the city. It could be quickly repaid, say over a 24 month period, by more visitors/tourists, more events, improved investment attraction, less clean up costs, a healthier environment and the personal satisfaction of all Sheffielders !


One more suggestion. If anyone on the Form has contact with an MP, ask them to officially visit the SCC with a "Clean up the city" message !

Edited by glennpickard
eliminate a word
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That article is 100% spot on . It has hit the nail on the head.



Come on, "spot on?"

Der Sturmer made similar articles in 1923.

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Did I say racism? Tabloid rubbish works the same pattern way before Sturmer. That was one of notorious example.

In general, they are all the same, find the scapegoat, put the bold inflammatory headlines..and here we go..

Edited by Guest
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Went through last Xmas and what a hole it now is,was never middle class area but I do feel sorry for the people who lived there before the Roma arrived.


Dont feel too sorry for them, most of them have moved away and rented their properties out to house the Roma anyway, for landlords its ALL about the money.

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