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Pagehall litter, again

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So any thread that mentions anything derogatory about immigrants is racist???




Nope but saying things like 'send them back to their country' is indeed racist, how you can think otherwise is beyond me.


Page Hall is a problem, so is Parsons Cross. One is predominantly white Brits, the other is not. So clearly the issue is one that affects 'white British' areas too. In fact there's another thread on here about Parsons Cross funnily enough that it's got the highest level of anti-social behaviour in the UK. When people start saying things like 'those bloody white Brits and their lack of understanding of our culture is the problem, they should go back to where they came from' I shall indeed revoke my comments about most of this thread being about race issues.

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Nope but saying things like 'send them back to their country' is indeed racist, how you can think otherwise is beyond me.


Page Hall is a problem, so is Parsons Cross. One is predominantly white Brits, the other is not. So clearly the issue is one that affects 'white British' areas too. In fact there's another thread on here about Parsons Cross funnily enough that it's got the highest level of anti-social behaviour in the UK. When people start saying things like 'those bloody white Brits and their lack of understanding of our culture is the problem, they should go back to where they came from' I shall indeed revoke my comments about most of this thread being about race issues.


The thread was started because Page Hall and the litter problem was on the front page of The Star last week Parsons Cross wasn't, we know we have problems with our own citizens do we need to import more.

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Nope but saying things like 'send them back to their country' is indeed racist, how you can think otherwise is beyond me.


Page Hall is a problem, so is Parsons Cross. One is predominantly white Brits, the other is not. So clearly the issue is one that affects 'white British' areas too. In fact there's another thread on here about Parsons Cross funnily enough that it's got the highest level of anti-social behaviour in the UK. When people start saying things like 'those bloody white Brits and their lack of understanding of our culture is the problem, they should go back to where they came from' I shall indeed revoke my comments about most of this thread being about race issues.


I,'ve been saying for ages about our own Idle swines,good idea the 6 month thing,ours we should stop the payments or drop them.They need an incentive to find work.

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The thread was started because Page Hall and the litter problem was on the front page of The Star last week Parsons Cross wasn't, we know we have problems with our own citizens do we need to import more.


Because less immigrants claim benefits per capita than UK nationals, so what we should do is replace the 'idle brits' with immigrants if you really to sort things out.

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Because less immigrants claim benefits per capita than UK nationals, so what we should do is replace the 'idle brits' with immigrants if you really to sort things out.


Are they really all "idle Brits" or do the particular jobs not pay a wage adequate enough to support a British family, the majority of the immigrants are single males that live in sub-standard accomadation and send money "back home" where possible.


I see you like many other have bought the "party line".

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Are they really all "idle Brits" or do the particular jobs not pay a wage adequate enough to support a British family, the majority of the immigrants are single males that live in sub-standard accomadation and send money "back home" where possible.


Now we are discussing a different issue that's not appropriate on this thread. Start a new on in the General Discussions forum and we can debate away :)


I see you like many other have bought the "party line".


I can say the exact same about you.

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Now we are discussing a different issue that's not appropriate on this thread. Start a new on in the General Discussions forum and we can debate away :)




I can say the exact same about you.


If it becomes newsworthy and current I might well do so.

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Well as I started the Banbury one that makes perfect sense. It wont be too long before yet another Asian one emerges in another part of the country and I'll start a thread on that too as some people and the media seem to want to keep a lid on them of sorts or deflect attention from them.


Do the psychology.


'Course pal, of course.

You are doing it for society. It is very obvious.

Perhaps we need to recommend you for the Nobel Peace Prize for your selfless dedication?

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My mum lives on page hall road and yes the area is a ****hole. Most people are blaming the Roma people but I have seen some Roma people sweeping up outside their house and taking pride in where they live so it's not all the Roma people doing it.

The problem is that some Roma don't care and just chuck rubbish about but also other nationalities are also doing it because it's got to the point where some think **** it no point using a bin as nobody else does it.

Shopkeepers don't take pride in the fronts of their shops and just let groups congregate outside and drop litter.

I think educating the litter throwers is not going to work as they know it's wrong and in my opinion litter wardens need to visit for a good couple of weeks and fine people chucking litter to maybe get the message across that it is not acceptable.

I think it's unfair blaming it all on the Roma people because I have seen Pakistanis, Somalis, white people, Polish, Hungarian, and African people chucking litter with my own eyes.

Regarding the congregating in groups I have told police why don't you move them on like you used to move us on when I was a young as they sometimes get rowdy and intimidating and the response was that if they are not doing anything wrong it would be against their human rights!

The police are scared to move these large groups on and just drive through the area in the safety of their squad cars, I have seen them drive past when cars are parked on zig zag lines near the zebra crossings so the scroats realise that the police are not bothered and get more braver.

Page hall is a mess but I don't know the answer to what it's going to take to improve things...



I think this is about right and to some extent this is reflected in Burngreave, although things are better here. It does my nut in that SCC only seem to really care about the city centre. Drop a bus ticket there and you get a £50 fine, dump 3 beds and 10 bin bags in the north of Sheffield and they don't seem to be bothered. They really ought to get out to these places and fine people. That includes Parson Cross, Foxhill (recent subject of flytipping thread) and all the other areas it goes on. We know it's not just Page Hall.


On the subject of the Roma, sometimes it is just ignorance. I took one family to task for dumping rubbish on an area that me and a mate had just cleared the day before. They didn't do it again. Someone else I know has Roma neighbours who never litter and have a go at people leaving the local shop who chuck wrappers on the floor.


I think we have to create a culture where chucking litter isn't seen as acceptable, but I think that takes a long time. It involves pulling people up when they do it (I do this a lot, not been punched yet!), it means reporting business who don't have commercial waste arrangements, it means dobbing in landlords who get tenants to chuck all the old furniture out when the tenancy ends, it means making statements and getting prosecutions, it means getting out with your neighbours and picking up litter so that other people can see it's something you care about. Just don't expect a great deal of help from SCC.

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