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Pagehall litter, again

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I think we have to create a culture where chucking litter isn't seen as acceptable, but I think that takes a long time.


First thing I noticed in the UK - people litter like cretins. Seriously, it is a huge problem across the country that needs debating. People like Top want to stand outside my house on an average Saturday to tut all the littering numpties that park in the road to visit Hillsborough Park or a footie game. (almost all are white British by the way).

Edited by nikki-red
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The Police and Council are afraid to be classed as racist, so the immigrants in Page Hall are given a get out of gaol free card to do anything they want, the Police and the Council should come down hard on these people, I thought there was a law that if they hadn't got a job within three months they could be sent home?



That is EXACTLY the problem. There are always people ready to play the race card if someone criticises immigrants . We have a few on here .

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I think we have to create a culture where chucking litter isn't seen as acceptable, but I think that takes a long time.


First thing I noticed in the UK - people litter like cretins. Seriously, it is a huge problem across the country that needs debating. People like Top want to stand outside my house on an average Saturday to tut all the littering numpties that park in the road to visit Hillsborough Park or a footie game. (almost all are white British by the way).


We went on holiday in France last year (sorry if that sounds a bit middle class). While I was really happy to be in such a clean and nice-looking environment I simultaneously felt incredibly embarrassed that the British are such filthy scumbags. France has plenty of migrants and refugees and it's spotless compared to the UK.

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I think this is about right and to some extent this is reflected in Burngreave, although things are better here. It does my nut in that SCC only seem to really care about the city centre. Drop a bus ticket there and you get a £50 fine, dump 3 beds and 10 bin bags in the north of Sheffield and they don't seem to be bothered. They really ought to get out to these places and fine people. That includes Parson Cross, Foxhill (recent subject of flytipping thread) and all the other areas it goes on. We know it's not just Page Hall.


On the subject of the Roma, sometimes it is just ignorance. I took one family to task for dumping rubbish on an area that me and a mate had just cleared the day before. They didn't do it again. Someone else I know has Roma neighbours who never litter and have a go at people leaving the local shop who chuck wrappers on the floor.


I think we have to create a culture where chucking litter isn't seen as acceptable, but I think that takes a long time. It involves pulling people up when they do it (I do this a lot, not been punched yet!), it means reporting business who don't have commercial waste arrangements, it means dobbing in landlords who get tenants to chuck all the old furniture out when the tenancy ends, it means making statements and getting prosecutions, it means getting out with your neighbours and picking up litter so that other people can see it's something you care about. Just don't expect a great deal of help from SCC.


I think your last sentence sums it all up

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I was on the Sutton estate in S6 on Saturday. A large skip had been arranged and was available to tenants on the estate for a few hours. People were bringing all sorts, some of the toys and furniture were in good condition and suitable for recycling. I've seen these skips work well on council estates too.


Community skips only seem to be affordable for social landlords, however if there were more across all areas of Sheffield, perhaps it would help reduce fly tipping and encourage more sensible disposal. It's would also help those residents who haven't transport or can't afford to pay to have rubbish removed. Not everyone in private rented or owner occupied housing is well off.

Edited by Ms Macbeth
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I think we have to create a culture where chucking litter isn't seen as acceptable, but I think that takes a long time.


We went on holiday in France last year (sorry if that sounds a bit middle class). While I was really happy to be in such a clean and nice-looking environment I simultaneously felt incredibly embarrassed that the British are such filthy scumbags. France has plenty of migrants and refugees and it's spotless compared to the UK.


Yet Paris is so dirty they have to clean the streets nightly; you don't wear your nice shoes for a stroll around Paris away from the Tower and Arc for fear of chien droppings and split open bin bags on the pavement.

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Yet Paris is so dirty they have to clean the streets nightly; you don't wear your nice shoes for a stroll around Paris away from the Tower and Arc for fear of chien droppings and split open bin bags on the pavement.


You think they don't clean London's streets nightly. Go and travel round France, then come back to the UK and tell me it's no worse.

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Guest sibon
Yet Paris is so dirty they have to clean the streets nightly; you don't wear your nice shoes for a stroll around Paris away from the Tower and Arc for fear of chien droppings and split open bin bags on the pavement.


You must have gone to Paris, Texas, by mistake.


The Paris, France that I know (very well) is largely litter free and lovely and clean.A truly beautiful place, far cleaner than London for example.


It is a bit smelly in high summer, but who goes to Paris in high summer?

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You think they don't clean London's streets nightly. Go and travel round France, then come back to the UK and tell me it's no worse.


Of course they do, because some of the people that live in London, like Paris, are people that make the environment they live in a mess. I've been to lots of places in France, and some are awful, especially for graffiti. To suggest that France is better goes against my own experience - maybe your holiday spot isn't as delightful as the various city centre hotels I've stayed in Paris, Nice, Nancy etc. Brussels was also a scruffy hole once you get off the tourist trail and I remember northern Berlin being a bit of a state.


Making the area you live in a dump isn't a cultural issue, it's a class issue. If it was a cultural one, we'd all be living in dirty streets with rubbish blowing about in the wind as 'English' culture had dirty slums long before the cultures blamed for Page Hall came here to live.


---------- Post added 03-04-2017 at 23:49 ----------


You must have gone to Paris, Texas, by mistake.


The Paris, France that I know (very well) is largely litter free and lovely and clean.A truly beautiful place, far cleaner than London for example.


It is a bit smelly in high summer, but who goes to Paris in high summer?


Dirty enough for them to felt they need to double litter fines?



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