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Pagehall litter, again

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Can I ask whether we can deport all the chavs in the various parts of Sheffield who haven't worked for their entire lives then?


I'm all in favour of getting rid of those who don't contribute, but it has to be a blanket ban, regardless of colour, religion or nationality.


I'll start in Gleadless and thin the nice folk out from the ones who just want to cause trouble.


(Just as a side point, how are we paying to deport all these people? Someone the other day said deport all muslims 'to be safe', completely overlooking the fact that there's a couple of million. The logistics of chartering 6,000 planes to deport people is quite interesting!)


Er, I'm not particularly patrotic, but many of the 'chavs' had parents/families who built this country, worked in its factories, mines, etc who paid their NI stamps, fought and died for it as well, (as did many commonwealth citizens). It is very revealing how many liberal types now despise many of the working class and now reify/essentialise migrants as they once did the industrial working class, etc.

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I was on the Sutton estate in S6 on Saturday. A large skip had been arranged and was available to tenants on the estate for a few hours. People were bringing all sorts, some often toys and furniture were in good condition and suitable for recycling. I've seen these skips work well on council estates too.


Community skips only seem to be affordable for social landlords, however if there were more across all areas of Sheffield, perhaps it would help reduce fly tipping and encourage more sensible disposal. It's would also help those residents who haven't transport or can't afford to pay to have rubbish removed. Not everyone in private rented or owner occupied housing is well off.


Good idea.


We could also do with more litter education in schools, more public information films like we had in the 70's, more street patrols and more fines for those caught littering.

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Making the area you live in a dump isn't a cultural issue, it's a class issue.
I'm afraid I disagree. Bins and litter are all born equal.


Making the area you live in a dump by dropping litter is never anything more a choice. Anything beyond that is just making excuses.


We live in a middle class development neighboured by a social housing development. There is a tarmacked jennel running between both, the first half running by a small green belt field. The rubbish (variously rubble, toilet cisterns, plastic bottles, grass cutting, <etc.>) fly-tipped over the back garden fence into the grass strip alongside the pathway, is only at the back of social housing, past the green belt field, and nowhere else to be seen. And it's only where the jennel is, not along the back garden fences looking onto the football/play field around the corner (also looked onto by social housing). Not all social houses have rubbish at the back of their fences.


That isn't a class statement, it's simply matter of fact observation, and I can take you there to see for yourself any time you want, because it's been the same for years, and apparently it doesn't matter one fart how often we raise the matter with the council (often as not due to broken glass more than anything, I'm fed up of the vet trips for cut paws and Halford trips for new tyres).


Now, there's long been a free & no-questions-asked access (and still now, even in these days of supposedly registered user-access only) council tip near enough (2 miles). Don't know many other tips over here besides the Worskop and North Anston one, but I do know that in France where family is, a trip to the skip is a real belly ache that you have to plan like a military operation. It's open only a few days a week, access only on certain days for certain types of rubbish, far less litter types accepted <etc.>


Making the area you live in a dump is laziness. Nothing but.

Edited by L00b
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Good idea.


We could also do with more litter education in schools, more public information films like we had in the 70's, more street patrols and more fines for those caught littering.


I recommend taking a walk around the periphery of Meynell Rd Primary school S5 and witness the amount of litter, particularly on the frontage. You're quite correct that there needs to be more litter education -for the teachers and maintenance staff!

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You must have gone to Paris, Texas, by mistake.

The Paris, France that I know (very well) is largely litter free and lovely and clean.A truly beautiful place, far cleaner than London for example.


It is a bit smelly in high summer, but who goes to Paris in high summer?




How come then that Paris is known as DOG MESS CAPITAL of the world ?

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Making the area you live in a dump is laziness. Nothing but.


If that's the case, why are the areas with the lowest social class the ones with the most litter issues? Are people of low social class living in the social housing near you lazy?


Do lazy middle and upper class people discard old sofas and pizza boxes in the street they live in?

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