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Hull University insists on gender neutral language

Guest sibon

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Hull University is to dock marks from students who fail to use gender-sensitive language. Link here


A spokesman for the University hinted that a gentleman's agreement was in place to reward workmanlike essays which pleased the chairman of the awards committee. People using biased language will presumably be penalised, making it more difficult for employers to choose the best man for the job, when they graduate.


It`s all ******** isn`t it ? Why don`t people simply regard the "man" part of whatever word they`re thinking of, as short for human. Then there`s no problem. In fact that`s what often happens, e.g. Jacob Bronowski`s famous TV series "The Ascent of Man". That was never regarded as sexist (or was it ? ! ? ), the man was accepted as being human.

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I wasn't inferring those terms came from the bible, hence the word "and".

True; but you were replying to a post that asked

Will they now be writing a gender neutral version of the Bible?

And anyway the Bible (or at least the part that you'd know as the "old" Testament) is gender-neutral. The Creator is neither male nor female; and there are no people of neuter gender.

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