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How To Save The NHS At A Stroke.

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2. That would be the greenies whining non stop about how something they didn't understand or want to understand was bad and how it was so terrible that it might do something nasty that we stopped building them.


Whilst that might be a small part of the issue, if you recall ForgeMasters invested massively in setting up a nuclear reactor production line (sorry not field so probably using the wrong terminology)that required a government loan that had been agreed fully. That loan was then cancelled last minute even though FM had already got contracts that would give higher profit than the loan value so it would have been repaid with interest well within the agreed timescale and we would have been able to make our own reactors in the UK. Now we can't, so let's not blame Green lobbying.



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One single part that cannot be built because of a loan doesn't mean you can pin the blame entirely on the Govt.


If the green whining hadn't taken place, or more correctly had been challenged and ignored back in the early 1990s then you would have had Forgemasters and others building pressure vessels for decades already. It goes back to a thread of mine a while back about how people have no idea of science these days.

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Whilst that might be a small part of the issue, if you recall ForgeMasters invested massively in setting up a nuclear reactor production line (sorry not field so probably using the wrong terminology)that required a government loan that had been agreed fully. That loan was then cancelled last minute even though FM had already got contracts that would give higher profit than the loan value so it would have been repaid with interest well within the agreed timescale and we would have been able to make our own reactors in the UK. Now we can't, so let's not blame Green lobbying.




There was a huge thread on this at the time; there were no contracts in place and they were already years behind the competition. FM themselves admitted after the Fukushima diaster in 2011 it wouldn't bother trying to secure new funding.

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Pity we sold off a lot of our industry then.


How come we only seem to make cars for foreign companies like Nissan, rather than our own makes? Why do we have to go abroad for a nuclear reactor when we used to lead the field in that technology? Why is our country underskilled in so many areas that we have to recruit abroad?


Not the way to economic growth surely?


Because ours were a) crap. b) production was buggereded up so much in 70s by union (remeber them?) disputes and C) because they were crap and the brand tainted new, often german, blood was required to see if the brand (ie rover) could be resucitated.


We're underskilled because our young people dont wont to do the hard sciences or grubby engineering. Its media studies and stuff like that - which is fine, we've got a thriving creative industry sector, one of the best in the world- its small busniesses all over the country making a real mark. But if the only yardstick youre using is "we dont make stuff anymore" then yeah, we're borked, which, if youre honest, kind of fits your world view.


---------- Post added 04-04-2017 at 14:28 ----------


Straying from topic slightly but in short the British automotive industry was instrumental in its own demise, lack of vision and up its own backside.


Correctamundo. We've good designers, and in specilialist high end cars we still do great work - jaguar/land rover arent moving anytime soon. But volume brands? Bang on.


---------- Post added 04-04-2017 at 14:30 ----------


Whilst that might be a small part of the issue, if you recall ForgeMasters invested massively in setting up a nuclear reactor production line (sorry not field so probably using the wrong terminology)that required a government loan that had been agreed fully. That loan was then cancelled last minute even though FM had already got contracts that would give higher profit than the loan value so it would have been repaid with interest well within the agreed timescale and we would have been able to make our own reactors in the UK. Now we can't, so let's not blame Green lobbying.




If it was that wasy, and that much of sure thing, couldnt a bank have stepped in? It was only (figurativly speaking) £80m or so wasnt it?

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Pity we sold off a lot of our industry then.


How come we only seem to make cars for foreign companies like Nissan, rather than our own makes? Why do we have to go abroad for a nuclear reactor when we used to lead the field in that technology? Why is our country underskilled in so many areas that we have to recruit abroad?


Not the way to economic growth surely?


I'm not really sure government ownership of industry is necessarily related to government income or economic growth.


I'm too young to answer for any of those points really. I hear British cars were pretty unreliable and poorly built. Weird that British designers and egineers are sought after but our products weren't.

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The decision has already been made to sell off the NHS, I think that much is obvious.

It is all in line with this brexit business.


The long term outlook for this country is not sovereignty, but servitude.

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The decision has already been made to sell off the NHS, I think that much is obvious.

It is all in line with this brexit business.


The long term outlook for this country is not sovereignty, but servitude.


What draws you to this conclusion?

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What draws you to this conclusion?


Looking at the big picture.

And this Gibraltar business just adds to it.

Which main power would love to control both the Northern and Southern access routes to Europe?

And what is the easiest way to do that?

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