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Political Correctness Gone Mad!!

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Do you honestly believe that he literally was threatening to slap her??


When a certain "blue" comedian joked about taking a groupie back to his changing room he eventually had to answer questions with his hand on a Bible.


30 years later the young lady obviously thought he had meant it.

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No one was threatened, no one felt threatened, no feelings were hurt and most importantly, they were both comfortable in enough to have this, for want of a better word 'banter'


I agree it was pretty poor taste and he probably shouldn't have said that, however, not because I think it was a joke that was wrong, but because there are people out there that can get offended at a tee shirt in Primark. Those crazy women who attempt to call themselves 'femenists' that you see so many viral videos of will have had a heart attack.

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For me it does seem blown out of proportion, however, there is a huge difference between someone making jokes with their friends and someone making jokes on TV with an unknown audience....


People who are in the public eye do need to be more careful with their comments when in public. It's basically a requirement of doing the job to not say idiotic or things that can easily be misinterpreted on national TV!


The incident didn't take place on TV as such. It happened after a press conference had been closed and was filmed by someone on a mobile phone. It is clear from the footage and the context that it was humorous to both parties.


I was once slapped on the backside by a female work colleague. It was meant in a joking manner and I did not feel humiliated, offended or sexually violated. Nor did it damage my self-esteem or cause me to have nightmares. As there was no-one there to film this incident it has never become public knowledge until now, so if anyone feels that they have the divine right to be offended on my behalf and report to the authorities please let me know in advance. I will then happily tell you to s*d off and mind your own business.

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Having just seen it, then obviously it was just a bit of a joke, but a bit unfortunate and in poor taste. He's still a public figure and its hardly helpful normalising it even if in jest.

Key word - normalising. He didn't mean any malice but he shouldn't have said it.

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Is it me or what,all the hue har about the comment David Moyes made jokingly to the lady interviewer seems to be o.t.t. just a tad!.She was laughing with him about it quite clear for anyone with eyes and ears to observe,yet to listen to some people he has committed a heinous crime deserving a flogging!.Come on some people nowadays have had a sense of humour bypass,you can,t open your mouth nowadays without somebody taking umbrage and of course Gary Lineker has to have his ten penceworth,give me strength to carry on!.


That bastion of PC, the Daily Star first ran this story. When right wing papers run these stories it's done to get the anti-political correctness brigade - people who want to be able to say racist and sexist things and get away with it upset. It always reminds me of Eric Cantona and seagulls following a trawler.

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Guest sibon
Having just seen it, then obviously it was just a bit of a joke, but a bit unfortunate and in poor taste. He's still a public figure and its hardly helpful normalising it even if in jest.


I agree. He's an idiot for saying it, but it is hardly a hanging offence.


The problem with making these small incidents into major things, is that it tends to obscure the very real violent culture that many women (and men) have to live within. We really should be more thorough in rooting out serious stuff and spend less time on stuff like a poorly judged, but essentailly harmless off the cuff remark.

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