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Political Correctness Gone Mad!!

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I think you are missing the point made by other posters. It is all about context.

When my daughter makes a mess in the kitchen and I threaten to slap her legs what sanctions should I face? Anger-management therapy, a trip to a police cell on a charge of threatening behavior or be 'named and shamed' by a posse of publicity-seeking 'virtue signallers'?

If you need further CONTEXT before you decide, my daughter is a Police Officer in her mid-twenties.

I await your decision with interest.


Ask your daughter the consequences should she issue the same statement to either her colleagues or a person in custody in private or in front of reporters,in jest or not.

She could say it in a jokey non threatening manner.

Half the force wouldn't care the other half would report it, i know i also have family in the police who deal with the cases brought against officers in these circumstances.


Its either appropriate or its not.

Context is like the offence - its not the same to everyone. That's the point everyone else is missing.


Live to the general public(which reporters are) isn't private and the comments are inappropriate in that context. Being jokey or banter or pally pally imho isn't the point.

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Ask your daughter the consequences should she issue the same statement to either her colleagues or a person in custody in private or in front of reporters,in jest or not.

She could say it in a jokey non threatening manner.

Half the force wouldn't care the other half would report it, i know i also have family in the police who deal with the cases brought against officers in these circumstances.


Its either appropriate or its not.

Context is like the offence - its not the same to everyone. That's the point everyone else is missing.


Live to the general public(which reporters are) isn't private and the comments are inappropriate in that context. Being jokey or banter or pally pally imho isn't the point.


I think I answered that. If a friend of mine said that to me with a joking tone then I'd know he was joking and it would be no problem, I'd probably make a joke back about how I'd like to see him try it. If a friend said that to me in a half serious tone in a business meeting, I'd be fine with it as again I'd get the joke but I'd expect everyone else in the room to feel pretty awkward about it. I think that's the same with Moyes, the journalist has understood the joke and it's fine with her, but he hasn't considered the reactions of other people he doesn't know as well in the room and it's his lack of discretion that has scuppered him and nothing more.

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Not sure Janie, it could be received as trying to put her in her place, I couldn't imagine him saying it to another man
I agree that the tactless remarks could be perceived that way, but having watched the clip, and observing how he came across, he appeared to me to be joking in a teasing non-threatening manner without any bad intent.
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A number of posts have been removed.


Anybody who feels that the threat of violence against women is acceptable has no place on this forum.


Closed while you all grow up some.

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