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B 17 in the prevention of Cancer.

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I was doing some research into "alternative therapies " in the treatment of cancer . I came across quite a number of sites promoting B 17 as a treatment and a preventative for all kinds of cancers.


It all looked promising at first sight. However, on further investigation, things turned to disappointment.


B17 isn't a vitamin.


But it is promoted by some advocates as being an essential vitamin. In essence, B17 can turn to cyanide in the human body. Apparently there have been case of cyanide toxicity in people consuming apricot kernels has a source of B17.


What I can't get my mind round is how B17 can be promoted -and retailed over the counter at health food outlets-as a therapy for cancer.

Now, people undergoing treatment for cancer will search for treatments that will

enhance their chances of remission.Some will embrace B 17 only to discover later that its not increased their chances of complete remission and cure one iota.


If there is sufficient medical evidence that B 17 is useless and potential dangerous. Why is it still on the market ?

Edited by petemcewan
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I was doing some research into "alternative therapies " in the treatment of cancer . I came across quite a number of sites promoting B 17 as a treatment and a preventative for all kinds of cancers.


It all looked promising at first sight. However, on further investigation things turned to disappointment.


B17 isn't a vitamins.


But it is promoted by some advocates as being an esestinial vitamin. In essence B17 can turn to cyanide in the human body. Apparently there have been case of cyanide toxicity in people consuming apricot kernels has a source of B17.


What I can't get my mind round is how B17 can be promoted -and retailed over the counter at health food outlets-as a therapy for cancer.

Now people undergoing treatment for cancer will search for treatments that will

enhance their chances of remission.Some will embrace B 17 only to discover later that its not increased their chances of complete remission and cure one iota.


If there is sufficient medical evidence that B 17 is useless and potential dangerous. Why is it still on the market ?


Because people are gullible and will believe anything especially if they have a cancer that isn't responding to treatment.


That's what sites like natural news, david wolfe, food babe etc prey on and how they make lots of money selling snake oil.

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Because people are gullible and will believe anything especially if they have a cancer that isn't responding to treatment.


People who are staring death in the face will believe almost anything if it promises a cure.


For these charlatans to prey on the vulnerable and desperate is so very wrong.

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I was doing some research into "alternative therapies " in the treatment of cancer . I came across quite a number of sites promoting B 17 as a treatment and a preventative for all kinds of cancers.


It all looked promising at first sight. However, on further investigation, things turned to disappointment.


B17 isn't a vitamin.


But it is promoted by some advocates as being an essential vitamin. In essence, B17 can turn to cyanide in the human body. Apparently there have been case of cyanide toxicity in people consuming apricot kernels has a source of B17.


What I can't get my mind round is how B17 can be promoted -and retailed over the counter at health food outlets-as a therapy for cancer.

Now, people undergoing treatment for cancer will search for treatments that will

enhance their chances of remission.Some will embrace B 17 only to discover later that its not increased their chances of complete remission and cure one iota.


If there is sufficient medical evidence that B 17 is useless and potential dangerous. Why is it still on the market ?


It is not so much on the market now, it has to be searched out online. The raw kernels were once available at Atkinsons but not for a few years now.

There is a lot of support for it on the 'web but not medically.

I think the story's foundation is a small race of people who eat the raw kernels as norm but don't suffer cancer, no idea how much truth it holds.

From what I read the kernels can be used to make the "drugs" Laetrile or Amygdalin.

I also vaguely remember a case where the NHS refused to treat a cancer patient who was using an alternative therapy, can't remember if it was laetrile.

I've tried the raw apricot kernels and they are not very nice.

Edited by blackydog
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I think that you will find that all outlets of these products are careful to make no medical claims at all.


In which case the premise of the thread is wrong?


I came across quite a number of sites promoting B 17 as a treatment and a preventative for all kinds of cancers.
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In which case the premise of the thread is wrong?


The sites might not be UK based so therefore any UK legislation isn't going to apply. I can (I haven't by the way!) buy cannabis from legitimate US websites as in some states it's legal for medicinal use, UK won't apply to their marketing or sales, that's down to me, customs control and the UK police...

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