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Suspicious behaviour by GB energy

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All companies are screwing you, otherwise why so many pretending to offer deals when the profits are so gigantic. If you are interested in how you are being ripped off then the fact below will cause a brainstorm. The rip off is so staggering its almost unbelievable.


Details of gas deals, including prices and amount of gas sold by Gazprom to European countries, were disclosed in the report, revealing that the United Kingdom, which provides 10 percent of its gas needs with Gazprom gas, pays the cheapest price at $313.4 per 1,000 cubic meters.


1 cubic meter = about 11kwh or to be precise 1 M3 is approx 11.36 kWh


the cost of 1000 cubic meters of gas costs $313.4 or £251.97


The wholesale cost of 1 cubic meter gas is £0.25 pence


1 Cubic meter is about 11kwh.


At a gas unit price of 3.5p/kwh (inc VAT), that makes it 38.5p/cu meter.


So you are being screwed senseless paying both a service daily charge as well.


This is over 150 times more than the cost of the gas to the company you get it from.


If this is not profiteering, unrestrained exploitation than what is?


So whatever you pay for gas the company is screwing you over 150 times the cost to themselves, and you then have to ask how they hide such profits after transition charges, and other overheads? Its the energy industries answer to WONGA. The gas companies buy something for one pound and charge you over £150 for that item, the nearest thing to printing money outside of selling weapons and munitions.


You are seen as a cash cow, and being milked, lied to, and excused by successive governments, and as for the regulator/


The cost of gas to heat homes allows in a cold snap up to 35, 000 additional deaths to occur. A cold snap usually lasts about a week, so the death making the kill rate higher than at Auschwitz.


So I suggest those with money to invest should think about investing in the funeral business its a dead cert for increasing dividend payouts.


Unless I completely misunderstand your numbers they don't add up.


You say that 1 cu/meter of gas costs 25p, but a customer is charged 38.5p using your numbers which is 13.5p more than the company bought it for on wholesale prices, which whilst not 'cheap' is hardly horrific is it? Where did you get the times 150 from? I can't see that anywhere in your numbers and just pops up in your rant?


---------- Post added 07-04-2017 at 16:11 ----------


Yes, thanks I will.

I've been reluctant to switch over anything after previously being conned & lied to by Utility Warehouse.

This has been an unfortunate experience where we were misled by Utility Warehouse into signing up with them only to discover we’d been had.


In brief:

Rep came to our house & told us


Our energy bills would be greatly reduced. Utilility Warehouse ensure we are on the cheapest tariff.

Untrue. They only compare the “Top 6” providers.

Worse was to come. After only a few months we accumulated arrears of £647.37 in addition to our monthly payments – a serious miscalculation on the part of the rep who estimated our bills based on previous usage.

I set up a repayment plan with UW for £108pm over 6 months.

A few days later the sum of £647.37 was taken from our account without our knowledge or consent.


He also said that if we signed up to the telephone package we wouldn’t get any more “cold calls”

Untrue. Or rather “true” but only if we took up the option of a monthly payment in addition to what we were paying which wasn’t disclosed at the time.


However I'll have a look at uswitch.com thanks.


Have you reported them for mis-selling, because what you've just described in HIGHLY illegal and needs to be reported to OFGEM.

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---------- Post added 07-04-2017 at 16:11 ----------




Have you reported them for mis-selling, because what you've just described in HIGHLY illegal and needs to be reported to OFGEM.


I gave up as I just wanted rid of them.

The energy bills were just part of the problem.

We also had on-going issues with loss of internet & telephone.

I had no internet for over a week & when they finally sent an engineer, he couldn't fix it.


I'd had enough & told them three times I would change providers if they didn't fix it.

Eventually I changed providers & the engineer fixed the problem in 15mins including the time it took to walk to his van & back with a new router.


I then got hit with a bill of £150 + vat for early termination.

I appealed to the Ombudsman but incredibly they ruled in their favour.


I try to be philisophical & think that £150 + VAT was worth it to be rid of them. :rant:

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