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ASDA Self-Service Tills

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I refuse to use them prices are based on service at a till , Ive stopped using WHSmith at station because of this and I walked out of Poundland because no tills were manned .




I had a trolley full of shopping one night at our local supermarket and no tills were open. I asked a lady if she would open a checkout and she was most unhelpful - really off actually - so I said, 'oh well, I'll have to leave this shopping then', luckily, then a more helpful assistant came forward and offered to open a till.

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In my line of work we repair POS equipment, and I have extensive knowledge of most SCO systems. However the biggest issue with almost all systems is the user. Generally if the onscreen instructions are followed it works, if you continually get bagging errors you have done something wrong!


However we are starting to work in and develop the next wave of POS tech, RFID. You'll simply be able to pickup everything you need and walk through an RFID gate which will pickup all the RFID tags and charge you. I give it 2-5 years and this will be the norm.

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I had a trolley full of shopping one night at our local supermarket and no tills were open. I asked a lady if she would open a checkout and she was most unhelpful - really off actually - so I said, 'oh well, I'll have to leave this shopping then', luckily, then a more helpful assistant came forward and offered to open a till.


My dad always says what he thinks lol. In Morrisons he had a full trolley and was told to go use the self service tills. In his no holds bared way he informed them either they open a till and process his shopping or they were putting the stuff back on the shelves lol. They opened a till lol

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What this really means is the interface is so badly designed most people are unable to use it.


I've monitored many hours of them in use and the issue is usually the security scale, and usually something being removed halfway through scanning, picked up/put down, lent on etc. etc. Once this is triggered it needs an override to sort out.


A customer we used to work with had constant issues at a store with the security scales, and it turned out to be the AC blowing on the steel security scale top causing contractions!! The technology is certainly still maturing!


Obviously you could do away with the security scale, but then shoplifting would be rife! What some supermarkets do is increase the weight tolerances on each item which helps, but again leaves them open to theft.


RFID will fix all the shortcomings of the SCO, but again measures will need to be in place to ensure theft does not happen (tag removal etc) in a different way!

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I've monitored many hours of them in use and the issue is usually the security scale, and usually something being removed halfway through scanning, picked up/put down, lent on etc. etc. Once this is triggered it needs an override to sort out.


A customer we used to work with had constant issues at a store with the security scales, and it turned out to be the AC blowing on the steel security scale top causing contractions!! The technology is certainly still maturing!


Obviously you could do away with the security scale, but then shoplifting would be rife! What some supermarkets do is increase the weight tolerances on each item which helps, but again leaves them open to theft.


RFID will fix all the shortcomings of the SCO, but again measures will need to be in place to ensure theft does not happen (tag removal etc) in a different way!


...or they could just have tills with staff at them.

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I will use one of these tills when they pay me to use one. Why should I do the job for free and take work from an employed person.


Exactly. Do none of the people who use these tills have kids who might need a weekend job or a first job at some point in their lives? If they have queues for the human operated tills they will employ more humans again. Don't use self-service tills, they kill jobs!

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---------- Post added 11-04-2017 at 16:41 ----------


In my line of work we repair POS equipment, and I have extensive knowledge of most SCO systems. However the biggest issue with almost all systems is the user. Generally if the onscreen instructions are followed it works, if you continually get bagging errors you have done something wrong!


However we are starting to work in and develop the next wave of POS tech, RFID. You'll simply be able to pickup everything you need and walk through an RFID gate which will pickup all the RFID tags and charge you. I give it 2-5 years and this will be the norm.


And presumably charge you for the thing that you bought earlier that you still have with you.


It's telling that "POS" is also an acronym for something else other than Point Of Sale

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