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ASDA Self-Service Tills

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Guest makapaka
Anyone who believes that supermarkets are using technology to benefit the customer by cutting prices are deluding themselves. Job cuts and technology are being used purely to increase profit nothing else.


Absolutely - they've basically taken out a big part of the service they provided and given it the customer to do.

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Absolutely - they've basically taken out a big part of the service they provided and given it the customer to do.


Hotels do likewise at breakfast time, restaurants and pubs do self serve meals, petrol stations gave up using pump attendants years ago, we have auto car wash. We take all these for granted now.

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Hotels do likewise at breakfast time, restaurants and pubs do self serve meals, petrol stations gave up using pump attendants years ago, we have auto car wash. We take all these for granted now.


Breakfasts are traditionally self service. 'A gentleman is never waited on at breakfast'. (Gosford Park)

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First world problems :roll:


Many used to say self-checkout was the future..


Well how about no checkout?


Feast your eyes on this:


That's some freaky <removed> :huh:

Thank you for the link. I never heard of this before.

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Guest makapaka
Hotels do likewise at breakfast time, restaurants and pubs do self serve meals, petrol stations gave up using pump attendants years ago, we have auto car wash. We take all these for granted now.


Just because there are more examples of the same thing doesn't make it ok though does it?

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And that it is quite right and proper that jobs become obsolete when technology enables things to be automated. Stopping progress due to someone having to retrain or change jobs will result in stagnation.


Using your example, digital camera technology has resulted in hundreds of benefits - the following from a very quick google search:


Medical research & diagnosis (instant imaging, analysis & non-invasive imaging),

Entertainment industries (digital distribution),

Citizen journalism,

Environmental / weather monitoring (satellite imagary & transmission) which saves lives through advanced warning & crop prediction

Forensics & law enforcement

Physics & astrophysics (with massive knock on benefits to pretty much every other area of life)

Manufacturing processes of pretty much EVERY electronic device


Quite apart from the massively reduced environmental impact of personal photography by eliminating the processing of camera film itself.


The same will apply to every technology advance. If they hid the technology because some people would have to retrain or change jobs, we'd be worse off.


Looking purely at supermarket checkouts, the supermarkets are under significant cost driven competition. If they can cut their costs and offer lower prices by using more self scan checkouts, it's the consumer who benefits.


I'm all for efficiency but I don't want us to become a society of automatons.


The last sentence of your final paragraph is the funniest thing I've read all week btw.

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Sometime back the self service till at Asda Chaucer short changed me £2!

The assistant said oh it happens all the time it will have run out of change! Then left the till open for the next customer, without refilling the change and went off doing something else.

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My dad always says what he thinks lol. In Morrisons he had a full trolley and was told to go use the self service tills. In his no holds bared way he informed them either they open a till and process his shopping or they were putting the stuff back on the shelves lol. They opened a till lol


Good on him! I think everyone should do the same. :)

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