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Immigration, Are We Helping Or Hindering.

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I think he makes a good point about the numbers of those in abject poverty. One of my concerns with his theory is similar to what Galbraith said about the modern conservative, who he said: "is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness".

That might doing the speaker in the video you linked to a disservice, I don't know.

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This is interesting to say the least. Maybe this presenter has a valid point, or is it just rubbish.





Taking higher ground to other people (actually, whole world), gumballs..No it's not rubbish, it's actually pile of poop..


Don't get me wrong, I respect everyone's opinion, whether you far right or left, pro or against immigration, but this "gumball metaphor" ( used to be "M &M metaphor) is bottom quasi intellectual trash

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An interesting video, which makes sense.


But he ends with 'Let's help them there (in their own country.) And therein lies the rub.


We don't 'help them there,' do we? We throw a bit of aid money (a very little bit) in their direction most of which is lost to corruption.


They are poor largely because rich western civilizations went in and raped their countries in days of Empire and took over their natural resources, and enslaved the people. These are countries awash with natural wealth. Who owns all the minerals and gold mines? Who owns all the diamond mines? The Oil? And just about every other major resource?


The people may no longer be slaves but unfortunately the natural resources/wealth stay largely in the hands of the Western Corporations and a few individuals.


When these are given back to them there might be some hope, but I can't see the Rothschilds and the Rockerfellas et al, with their $trillions of wealth doing that any time soon.


Instead we connive with corrupt dictators, give the people crumbs, then take it back as third world debt.



Edited by Anna B
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His point might be valid but I'm not entirely sure it even begins to consider the bigger picture.


He is precisely looking at the bigger picture and this is why people are so shocked. They look at the smaller story and now what the knock on effects are.


The problem we have is governments are not interested in helping 3rd world nations become competitors to their own nations. Its much better to import/steal their wealthy or educated citizens.

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A massive driver for immigration is the population explosion in some countries. Given that, you could chuck all the money in the world at the problem and it would be wasted.


The emancipation of women in poorer countries would help because when women get a choice they generally don't want to be having ten babies, but rather fewer.

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A massive driver for immigration is the population explosion in some countries. Given that, you could chuck all the money in the world at the problem and it would be wasted.


The emancipation of women in poorer countries would help because when women get a choice they generally don't want to be having ten babies, but rather fewer.

That's true, but I believe the birth rate is falling back and is now averaging just under 3.

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An interesting video, which makes sense.


But he ends with 'Let's help them there (in their own country.) And therein lies the rub.


We don't 'help them there,' do we? We throw a bit of aid money (a very little bit) in their direction most of which is lost to corruption.


They are poor largely because rich western civilizations went in and raped their countries in days of Empire and took over their natural resources, and enslaved the people. These are countries awash with natural wealth. Who owns all the minerals and gold mines? Who owns all the diamond mines? The Oil. And just about every other major resource?


The people may no longer be slaves but unfortunately the natural resources/wealth stay largely in the hands of the Western Corporations and a few individuals.


When these are given back to them there might be some hope, but I can't see the Rothschilds and the Rockerfellas et al, with their $trillions of wealth doing that any time soon.


Instead we connive with corrupt dictators, give the people crumbs, then take it back as third world debt.




It`s interesting that the same people who complain about immigration, are those who moan most about foreign aid......

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