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Immigration, Are We Helping Or Hindering.

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Tell me more about Hayek. I don't think I've heard of him.

He is not very well-known amongst the general public, unlike say Marx or Adam Smith. However, his ideas gained influence in the post-war era by providing an intellectual underpinning for the belief in free markets. thatcher was a disciple, although I don't think she ever fully understood his ideas, which are quite sophisticated. Although seen as an Economist, he was far more than that, because his ideas embraced social and psychological dimensions. You won't find a graph or a mathematical formula in his writings. He was an Austrian, opposed to both fascism and communism and taught at the LSE for many years.

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He is not very well-known amongst the general public, unlike say Marx or Adam Smith. However, his ideas gained influence in the post-war era by providing an intellectual underpinning for the belief in free markets. thatcher was a disciple, although I don't think she ever fully understood his ideas, which are quite sophisticated. Although seen as an Economist, he was far more than that, because his ideas embraced social and psychological dimensions. You won't find a graph or a mathematical formula in his writings. He was an Austrian, opposed to both fascism and communism and taught at the LSE for many years.


But what has he done to improve the lot of the poor? Particularly those living on less than $2 a day?

What has Margaret Thatcher done for these people?

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But what has he done to improve the lot of the poor? Particularly those living on less than $2 a day?

What has Margaret Thatcher done for these people?


The ideas he put forward have taken more people out of poverty in developing countries than any others. The ones in the poorest category are the ones where free markets and democracy have yet to reach in any realistic way.

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The ideas he put forward have taken more people out of poverty in developing countries than any others. The ones in the poorest category are the ones where free markets and democracy have yet to reach in any realistic way.


From what I've heard the thing that has done most to help poor people and poor communities is direct grants to the people to buy what they need to improve their lives at ground level. (I think it's called 'microfinancing.)


There was a documentary on TV not long ago about it, (but I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the man who gave the lecture,) where a subsistence farmer was saving to buy himself a bicycle, if that rings any bells.


But it doesn't alter the fact that these people are poor because western corporations and super rich individuals, have stolen their natural resources.

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From what I've heard the thing that has done most to help poor people and poor communities is direct grants to the people to buy what they need to improve their lives at ground level. (I think it's called 'microfinancing.)


There was a documentary on TV not long ago about it, (but I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the man who gave the lecture,) where a subsistence farmer was saving to buy himself a bicycle, if that rings any bells.


But it doesn't alter the fact that these people are poor because western corporations and super rich individuals, have stolen their natural resources.



Microfinacing can be useful. An economist won a Nobel prize for his work in this area. However, I don't think that it is the answer to the probelm you mention. The poor people you mention need to be integrated into the global economy, not shut away from it by banning the corporations. The resources you refer to probably would not be used much unless the corporations and other countries had a need for them. It is more likely that the governments of these poor countries are robbing the poor rather than the big corporations. These countries need good governance and stability, which in many of them is in short supply.

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