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Why does my dentist need to see me every 3 months?

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Sounds like they are concerned about gum disease (perio) did they do a check with scores on your teeth (little probe on each tooth, give number to nurse for each)?




Speaking from personal experience gum disease should be taken very seriously as with me after years of no problems it started causing major problems which resulted in lots of work and 2 teeth being removed.


I had to go private and eventually the situation was stabilised and I have very few problems now but it cost me a lot.


If it were me I would be asking if it is gums how serious an issue it is and what I can do to sort it.


For me advice from the hygienist and looking after my teeth better and preventative measures have been key.


If you think NHS is expensive I pay about £90 for a check up and polish BUT the fact I rarely have to pay more for treatment means the price is not too bad.


Personally if they are a good dentist I would doubt its them trying to get more money out of the NHS as my understanding is good dentists have no problems getting NHS work.

Edited by Fudbeer
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