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Why does my dentist need to see me every 3 months?

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My dentist for some reason has changed my appointments from every 6 months to every 3 months.

These are just for regular check ups.

Is it just to increase business, or is it a way of extracting more money from the NHS.


As mentioned already. You must have very poor dental hygiene.

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My dentist wants me to go every 6 month and there is nothing wrong with my teeth or gums - really I just think it is for the extra money. I don't mind paying but I have better things to do with my time than sitting in a dentist's chair.

I have stopped going as I can count my own teeth for nowt:hihi:

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My dentist for some reason has changed my appointments from every 6 months to every 3 months.

These are just for regular check ups.

Is it just to increase business, or is it a way of extracting more money from the NHS.


No. A few years ago my dentist switched me from a check-up every six months to once every twelve.


From the NHS Choices website:


"You may assume you should have a dental check-up every six months, but some people may not need to go so often and others may need more frequent checks.


Your dentist will suggest when you should have your next check-up based on how good your oral health is.

The time between check-ups can vary from three months to two years, depending on how healthy your teeth and gums are and your risk of future problems."

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