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Local anaesthetic?

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You sound like you had an epidural which isn't really a local or a general and the OP isn't being offered this from my understanding.


Well actually they termed it as a 'spinal'...Which isn't too much different from a epidural. The point being...You're awake for the procedure and back to normality in a very short period of time, as opposed to being pretty much out of it for 24 hours with a general.

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I have had general anaesthetic twice in my adult life, back in the last century.

And both times, when I have come round, it has been terrible.

It is worse than the worst hangover you have ever had, your throat is dry and painful, and you are not allowed to drink any water for hours after.

This is after not being allowed food for 24 hours before the procedure.


If at all possible I would steer clear unless really required.

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I had emergency surgery to remove an infection in the cavity caused by removal of a large tumour and I couldn't have general anaesthesia because I had drunk water too recently before my surgery slot came up (which was about 12.30am in the Hallamshire). The surgeon operating on me that night was one of my target customers and I asked for some sedation to calm my nerves, then apparently (I have no memory of it) proceeded to give her a full sales presentation of one of my products while sedated!


In some ways it's better that we don't remember what we do while we're sedated, isn't it?


There is video of me in the Dental School archives at the Uni counting all the instruments into my mouth and out again as I had my wisdom teeth extracted.


In Latin.


Whilst singing O fortuna. Also in Latin.


Sedatives are weird. I cant recall a thing of it thankfully.

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There is video of me in the Dental School archives at the Uni counting all the instruments into my mouth and out again as I had my wisdom teeth extracted.


In Latin.


Whilst singing O fortuna. Also in Latin.


Sedatives are weird. I cant recall a thing of it thankfully.


You have no idea how much I want to see this. I also really really want you to be wearing a blue and white striped pair of leggings.

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