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Illegal right turns (Glossop/Hannover junction)

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Apparently not.


I've found the thread - if you search on here for 'Black Cabs In Sheffield' you'll find a 12 page thread about various issues. There's a chap on there called PAKS4, who links to a part of the SCC site that said that taxis could make all right turns through bus only lanes in the same way as buses can.


I remember seeing that, not thinking it was true, and on reading it, he was absolutely right, so according to SCC taxis can make that turn.


It starts on page2 of the thread.


PS I've just emailed the Council to ask - don't hold your breath!


---------- Post added 11-04-2017 at 12:02 ----------


Puggie I'm afraid you're wrong.


Taxis can turn right from Glossop Road, and they can make all prohibited right turns.


It's here...




Scroll down, and click on 'which other vehicles can use gates and lanes'.


You'll see the clarification....


Other vehicles can use the gates and lanes, including taxis, cycles and 'authorised' vehicles such as emergency services.


No vehicles other than trams can use any of the 'tram only' facilities.

The following vehicles can use the listed lanes and gates below.


buses - No exceptions

taxis - bus lanes, prescribed and prohibited turns, bus or bus/tram gates EXCEPT Peaks Mount at Waterthorpe, adjacent to Crystal Peaks bus station, on runways B, C & D within Sheffield Transport Interchange (STI), on STI runway E (unless holding a PTE pass)

pedal cycles - bus lanes, prescribed and prohibited turns, bus or bus/tram gates EXCEPT on the runways within Sheffield Transport Interchange

solo motorcyles - bus lanes ONLY



So yes, they can turn right from Glossop Road.


I can see the sense in allowing taxis to turn right from Glossop Road towards Brook Hill roundabout. Buses can, so it is no less safe to also allow taxis to do this. If the nearby pedestrian crossing is linked (I don't know if it is), then it will already show a red to pedestrians.


As an aside... If SCC are happy to allow vehicles to make manoeuvres which the signage doesn't allow, why don't they do this with the bus gate at Hillsborough Corner, and allow motorcycles to use it. IIRC, when there was the kerfuffle about the signage not being good enough, the new signs effectively banned motorcycles as there was not enough room on the signs to include them as being allowed.


However, this doesn't alter the situation as described in the OP. There is no right turn for any vehicles coming down Glossop Road who want to head towards Waitrose. Buses cannot do this either (and wouldn't want to as they follow a fixed route).

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I'm afraid I disagree.


The council site is very clear to me, so we'll have to agree to disagree.


That said, as mentioned, I've emailed the Council to ask them. In two years, when they reply, we can come back to this!


PS I'm not sure why the comment about 'muddying waters' was necessary. I've said from minute one of this thread that I recalled a taxi driver telling us that this turn was allowed. I've linked to the thread, and to the Council website. This isn't muddying anything - it's giving a view that I think is correct.


---------- Post added 11-04-2017 at 12:54 ----------



As a Council worker/ex-council worker - could you give the answer to this?


It's very clear to me too, as you have said the bit relating to taxis is found under the heading:


'which other vehicles can use gates and lanes'.


The right turn referred to in the OP is neither of these so the taxi exemption doesn't apply.

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Coming downhill on Glossop turn left at West End Hotel onto Clarkson Street and right onto Brook Hill to Brook Hill roundabout.


Coming downhill on Glossop to turn right onto Hanover has not been a (legal) option for decades.-Use above

No good if you've already passed this point and are expecting the left filter lane to still be there.

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How would I know whether Puggie has raised the question with the Police?


Don't be flippant please; you know I meant do you have a view on the turn issue.


---------- Post added 11-04-2017 at 13:24 ----------


It's very clear to me too, as you have said the bit relating to taxis is found under the heading:


'which other vehicles can use gates and lanes'.


The right turn referred to in the OP is neither of these so the taxi exemption doesn't apply.


I'm not sure if you've got that right.


Taxis can use all prohibited turns, except those listed at Crystal Peaks and in town.


The following vehicles can use the listed lanes and gates below. (which means all bus lanes listed on the website)


buses - No exceptions

taxis - bus lanes, prescribed and prohibited turns, bus or bus/tram gates EXCEPT Peaks Mount at Waterthorpe, adjacent to Crystal Peaks bus station, on runways B, C & D within Sheffield Transport Interchange (STI), on STI runway E (unless holding a PTE pass)

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As someone else pointed out this junction has been 'ahead only' for decades.


It's only in recent years that they've tried to strengthen that message by adding road markings and signs.


This is ultimately a matter for the police enforcement, and anyone is free to bring this up with them. It need not be limited to myself as the OP.

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As someone else pointed out this junction has been 'ahead only' for decades.


It's only in recent years that they've tried to strengthen that message by adding road markings and signs.


This is ultimately a matter for the police enforcement, and anyone is free to bring this up with them. It need not be limited to myself as the OP.


Do you disagree with the comments on the Council website about taxis or accept them? Just curious now.

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Don't be flippant please; you know I meant do you have a view on the turn issue.

Why don't you try to type what you mean instead of expecting others to read your mind?


---------- Post added 11-04-2017 at 13:42 ----------


As someone else pointed out this junction has been 'ahead only' for decades.


It's only in recent years that they've tried to strengthen that message by adding road markings and signs.


This is ultimately a matter for the police enforcement, and anyone is free to bring this up with them. It need not be limited to myself as the OP.

From your original post, you appear to be expecting SY Police to read your posts on SF.


Why are you bringing up the question here and not directly putting it to those who can actually do something about the issue?

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Why don't you try to type what you mean instead of expecting others to read your mind?


Was it really that difficult when a whole thread was based on whether a turn was legal or not (and the Council had specifically been mentioned)?


Did you really think I would be asking you whether or not you knew if the person had contacted the police? Given that that was your question, did you really think that? Why would I ask you if you knew the answer to your own question?


Or are you just being difficult? I do wonder.....

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Do you disagree with the comments on the Council website about taxis or accept them? Just curious now.


The exemptions on the council site surely only apply to restricted turns and do not overule the rules of the road. If this were not the case, the driver in the case below could not be prosecuted for doing an illegal turn. I appreciate this is not the turn described in the OP, but it is nonetheless governed by road marking which indicate that traffic must go "ahead only". Note that no such markings exist for traffic heading up Glossop Road across Hannover Way (which as you correctly point out does allow some vehicles to turn right).


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