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Illegal right turns (Glossop/Hannover junction)

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There's been confusion as some people are talking about outbound, some in. Inbound I completely agree, and to a large extent I agree about outbound, save for the taxi issue.


Sorry, I saw this after I'd replied! Glad we are all in agreement! :)

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Side note - I hate it when people, including buses, make that turn. It's really irritating as it stops the traffic flow.


I've lost count of the number of times I've been sat on the 120 bus going into town where the driver slams on the breaks because the vehicle in front has decided on making that illegal turn.

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Also read (and quote if you like) my post 17, where I said this was getting confused :)


---------- Post added 11-04-2017 at 13:55 ----------



Indeed...I think the disparity between post 17 and 29 is the very reason why you were accused of muddying the waters, deliberately or otherwise, at one point.

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I've lost count of the number of times I've been sat on the 120 bus going into town where the driver slams on the breaks because the vehicle in front has decided on making that illegal turn.


Is it possible though to have 'right turn cameras'? I don't know whether that's even a thing?

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Is it possible though to have 'right turn cameras'? I don't know whether that's even a thing?


I think Planner 1 may know the answer to this as it has cropped up before - I think that this enforcement measure (and cameras that monitor box junctions) is only operating in London.

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I think Planner 1 may know the answer to this as it has cropped up before - I think that this enforcement measure (and cameras that monitor box junctions) is only operating in London.


The power to enforce box junctions by camera is one of those being discussed for Manchester with the new mayoral authority. I suppose it probably is in SY too.

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Is it possible though to have 'right turn cameras'? I don't know whether that's even a thing?

Not outside London.


Local authorities have been asking for this power for years, but the government do no think it is necessary.


As has been mentioned, it was also an "ask" by city regions in the devolution deals, but the government have not delivered it.


---------- Post added 11-04-2017 at 14:37 ----------



Presumably, each prescribed or prohibited turn is enforced by a TRO? And if so, SCC would need to make specific provision within each TRO to exempt buses, cycles, taxis etc from the regulation order? So does SCC as a matter of course exempt those vehicles from TROs as Andy1976 claims?


Where buses have an exemption to make a banned turn , so have taxis, private hire, cycles and authorised vehicles (with a few exceptions as listed on the council website) according to the TRO's the council use.


So, taxis can legitimately make the right turn from Glossop Rd out of city into Upper Hanover St.

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Not outside London.


Local authorities have been asking for this power for years, but the government do no think it is necessary.


As has been mentioned, it was also an "ask" by city regions in the devolution deals, but the government have not delivered it.


---------- Post added 11-04-2017 at 14:37 ----------



Where buses have an exemption to make a banned turn , so have taxis, private hire, cycles and authorised vehicles (with a few exceptions as listed on the council website) according to the TRO's the council use.


So, taxis can legitimately make the right turn from Glossop Rd out of city into Upper Hanover St.


Thanks for clearing that up. Much appreciated.

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The power to enforce box junctions by camera is one of those being discussed for Manchester with the new mayoral authority. I suppose it probably is in SY too.


These are manned cameras I think, not automatic. I'm sure I've seen TV reports of people complaining about about camera operators in relation to yellow boxes.

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Just checking...but do YOU know what the yellow cross-hatchings on the road surface mean?


I'd be interested to know what your interpretation of them is?


I just attended one of those speed awareness courses a few weeks ago and in a room full of 24 people only about 5 of us knew what the national speed limit is on different types of road, e.g. normal single carriageway road, dual carriageway and motorway. So I'd be amazed if people actually know what the yellow cross-hatchings mean!:)


I'll stick my neck out and say don't enter the hatched area unless the exit is clear.

And anyone that doesn't know the NSL for cars for different roads shouldn't be allowed to drive.


---------- Post added 11-04-2017 at 18:26 ----------


Absolutely right.


However , as a local I am aware of the new system , but for anyone not from Sheffield who misses that turn at the West end , they now get very stuck...


They would have to proceed ahead at Hanover way and then hope the signage gets them back out. Or else make a sneaky but illegal left onto Hanover way (which I have seen a lot of people do, and not just taxis !)


The road sign here should give them a clue.




---------- Post added 11-04-2017 at 18:27 ----------


Apparently not.


I've found the thread - if you search on here for 'Black Cabs In Sheffield' you'll find a 12 page thread about various issues. There's a chap on there called PAKS4, who links to a part of the SCC site that said that taxis could make all right turns through bus only lanes in the same way as buses can.


I remember seeing that, not thinking it was true, and on reading it, he was absolutely right, so according to SCC taxis can make that turn.


It starts on page2 of the thread.


PS I've just emailed the Council to ask - don't hold your breath!


---------- Post added 11-04-2017 at 12:02 ----------


Puggie I'm afraid you're wrong.


Taxis can turn right from Glossop Road, and they can make all prohibited right turns.


It's here...




Scroll down, and click on 'which other vehicles can use gates and lanes'.


You'll see the clarification....


Other vehicles can use the gates and lanes, including taxis, cycles and 'authorised' vehicles such as emergency services.


No vehicles other than trams can use any of the 'tram only' facilities.

The following vehicles can use the listed lanes and gates below.


buses - No exceptions

taxis - bus lanes, prescribed and prohibited turns, bus or bus/tram gates EXCEPT Peaks Mount at Waterthorpe, adjacent to Crystal Peaks bus station, on runways B, C & D within Sheffield Transport Interchange (STI), on STI runway E (unless holding a PTE pass)

pedal cycles - bus lanes, prescribed and prohibited turns, bus or bus/tram gates EXCEPT on the runways within Sheffield Transport Interchange

solo motorcyles - bus lanes ONLY



So yes, they can turn right from Glossop Road.


It's not a bus gate or a bus lane. Taxi's cannot make a right turn there, neither can buses, horses, cycles, invalid carriages or the royal yacht.


---------- Post added 11-04-2017 at 18:31 ----------


Illegal right turns are also common here



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