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The mother of all bombs - 21000lb, this is a WMD

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Sand coloured camouflage. Surely you must have seen this before?


Not since 1914-1918

Sand coloured camouflage does not reflect light in the same way as sand.

Photographs taken at different times of day and under different lighting highlight these differences to observers. Mimic and Disruptive camouflage becomes the norm.


1940s Spy cameras used greyscale film in cameras that are at least a thousand times more sensitive than previously.

1970s Computers enhance this back into false colour images which makes it easier for our brain.

1980s Computers use time shifting and merge images from different parts of the spectrum to show up anomalies.

1990s Computers analyse this data and are taught to recognise tell tale changes, wind flapping, heat tracks, dump sites etc.

2000s Merging data from camera images with data from data radio and mobile transmissions, exhaust emissions.


Speed of detection has also increased with less need for ground observation ( eg mobile scud launchers). perhaps?


What we know is controlled by those in the know .

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I have seen a claim of "36" IS fighters killed. what I want to know is this -- who had the job of counting and matching all the bits??


Apparently the bomb vapourises everything within a 300 meter radius so it would be interesting to know how they managed to count the number of dead.

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Numbers are pretty meaningless now,I never see any requests on here about how Assad and Russian civilian or ISIS casualties are counted,suddenly there's an interest in this bomb,I wonder why?


We are supposed to be more civilised then Assad and Russia that is why when we do something we make sure innocent civilians are not targeted/caught up or is that only an issue when the monster Assad and Russia do it?

Are you saying we are on the same level as them because I thought we were meant to be better then them?

Also would Iran be free to develope one of these Moab bombs or is it only the us allowed to make them?


---------- Post added 14-04-2017 at 13:07 ----------


They've had arial surveillance of the area for a long time.

It's not at all complicated.


It was ariel surveillance that gave us the Intel that Saddam had mobile chemical labs but none were ever found...

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The US has dropped the "mother of all bombs" - the largest non-nuclear weapon ever used in combat by the US military - on an area of eastern Afghanistan known to be populated by Isis-affiliated militants.


The Pentagon said the strike was the first time the 21,000lb weapon had been used in combat operations.


Not sure how or why such a large weapon being used could be justified, can hardly be a targeted attack, civilian casualties would be inevitable.


Well, atleast we know there where really weapons of mass destruction, but they where not where we where looking or thought they where going to be.

today on the radio while going into redcar they had an expert on the matter speaking, he said the reason such a large bomb was dropped for a specific large target was better than dropping lots of smaller bombs that tend to drift and youre less sure where they are going, dropping a single larger bomb means you only have one to control.

Edited by melthebell
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We are supposed to be more civilised then Assad and Russia that is why when we do something we make sure innocent civilians are not targeted/caught up or is that only an issue when the monster Assad and Russia do it?

Are you saying we are on the same level as them because I thought we were meant to be better then them?

Also would Iran be free to develope one of these Moab bombs or is it only the us allowed to make them?


As far as I can see,nobody is questioning the civilians here only you.You are the one questioning how many dead ISIS there are for some reason,and i never heard of anyone questioning how many dead ISIS there are when Russia or Assad are doing the bombing,I never hear of anybody questioning how many civilians die when Assad or Russia are doing the bombing,so it's not a question of 'we being more civilised',it's why these questions are not raised when Assad or Russia are bombing,only when Americans are doing it,and why you are claiming America are on the side of ISIS,but questioning their actions when they do bomb ISIS,now can you provide a coherent answer to explain yourself?

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As far as I can see,nobody is questioning the civilians here only you.You are the one questioning how many dead ISIS there are for some reason,and i never heard of anyone questioning how many dead ISIS there are when Russia or Assad are doing the bombing,I never hear of anybody questioning how many civilians die when Assad or Russia are doing the bombing,so it's not a question of 'we being more civilised',it's why these questions are not raised when Assad or Russia are bombing,only when Americans are doing it,and why you are claiming America are on the side of ISIS,but questioning their actions when they do bomb ISIS,now can you provide a coherent answer to explain yourself?


We don't know if any Isis were killed, only what we were told.

I'm questioning it because i don't like the double standards at play here.

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