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America and North Korea

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Well, it looks like it could all go pear shaped today, America has told NK that no other missile tests should be carried out, and NK is expected to test another missile today..

If this is the last day, i shall be enjoying a nice walk in Derbyshire, :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Views anyone?

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Well, it looks like it could all go pear shaped today, America has told NK that no other missile tests should be carried out, and NK is expected to test another missile today..

If this is the last day, i shall be enjoying a nice walk in Derbyshire, :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Views anyone?


I've e mailed the North Korea government to hang on a year as I'd like to see a couple of Sheffield derbies if the Owls don't go up.

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The end of what? North Korean authoritarianism?


The US won't go nuclear on NK as it is too close to China and South Korea, NK won't go nuclear on the US because it can't.


All this posturising is Trump drawing attention away from his recent political domestic failures. Didn't take him long now, did it!

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The US won't go nuclear on NK as it is too close to China and South Korea, NK won't go nuclear on the US because it can't.

i hope youre right, all it takes is trump to attack N Korea conventially (hes already done so in Syria and Afganistan) then who could N Korea retaliate against if they cant reach the US?, S Korea of course, China? Japan?

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As tensions increase between N. Korea and USA what is the likely outcome ?

Will one of them back down ?


They'll both back down and make it look like neither have backed down. Fat lad is stupid but not that stupid. Ditto trump. North Korea has total control on what its population sees, America has a free hit available in Syria if trump needs to deflect from the fact he's reversed practically every policy he promised in the election.


Nowt will happen.

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They'll both back down and make it look like neither have backed down. Fat lad is stupid but not that stupid. Ditto trump. North Korea has total control on what its population sees, America has a free hit available in Syria if trump needs to deflect from the fact he's reversed practically every policy he promised in the election.


Nowt will happen.


I think Trump will go for it, he is mad enough..

But in all seriousness, it is a problem that has to be sorted, either now or at a later date, and if at a later date, then the problem will be a bigger one :huh:

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We may now have a period of sabre rattling. The Chinese will surely realize they have to finally stand up and be counted, that they have to step in and force/cajole NK to the table. They have gone on far too long with watching NK developing nuclear weapons and threatening Japan and South Korea with attack.


China alone has the wherewithal to stop them w/o major weapons confrontations ie.


1) providing NK with their largest export market

2) feeding them

3) she could provide NK with a security guarantee, much the same as NATO provides to the eastern European countries threatened by Russia. This way the need for the US to intervene will disappear

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