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America and North Korea

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The grinning men behind him are not the men in charge.They have to stand there grinning because otherwise they will be executed by an anti aircraft gun like he did with a relative a while ago.People are killed for the most trivial "of fences" ,like watching a Hollywood movie.

True. A dictator remains in power only for so long as the populus is effectively silenced.

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True. A dictator remains in power only for so long as the populus is effectively silenced.


Or only so long as the army stands with him, given that the populace is unarmed, ill educated, has little knowledge of anything other than NK and the lies they are told, and in many cases underfed.

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Did the earth move for you last night? This is probably why:


North Korean nuclear test confirmed in major escalation by Kim Jong-un


North Korea says it has tested a powerful hydrogen bomb that can be loaded on to an intercontinental ballistic missile, in a move that is expected to increase pressure on Donald Trump to defuse the growing nuclear crisis on the Korean peninsula.


In an announcement carried on state TV, North Korea said the test, its sixth since 2006, had been a “complete success” and involved a “two-stage thermonuclear weapon” with “unprecedented” strength.


There has been no independent verification of the North’s claims that it has achieved a key goal in its nuclear programme - the ability to miniaturise a warhead so that it can fit on a long-distance missile.


. . .


The explosion was heralded by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake about six miles (10km) from North Korea’s Punggye-ri nuclear test site in the north-east of the country. It was felt over the Chinese border in Yanji.


South Korea’s meteorological administration estimated the blast yield at between 50 to 60 kilotons, or five to six times stronger than North Korea’s fifth test in September last year.


Kim Young-woo, the head of South Korea’s parliamentary defence committee said later that the yield was as high as 100 kilotons. One kiloton is equivalent to 1,000 tons of TNT.


The previous nuclear blast in North Korea is estimated by experts to have been about 10 kilotons.



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Am I the only one who is becoming a little uncomfortable by the whole state of affairs?


As if it wasn't bad enough that a couple of potential "loose cannons" have been testing one and others patience, you now have the added worry of the possible involvement of the likes of China and Russia.


I see Switzerland have now offered to act as some sort of mediation in order to try and restore calm.

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Am I the only one who is becoming a little uncomfortable by the whole state of affairs?


As if it wasn't bad enough that a couple of potential "loose cannons" have been testing one and others patience, you now have the added worry of the possible involvement of the likes of China and Russia.


I see Switzerland have now offered to act as some sort of mediation in order to try and restore calm.


Heard something intersting on 5live today - North Korea want(ed) to talk directly to the US in the past but given the two countries are led by two total nutjobs it might be left in limbo until trump goes. In that time the north will have a fully functional nuclear missile. There will be sabre rattling but thats as far as it will go I reckon.


And to be honest, so what if North Korea do get one? They havent invaded anyone, to my knowledge they dont sponsor terrorism. All theyve done is guarrentee that America wont invade them. Pakistan is always on the edge of being a full on basket case of nation and theyve got nuclear weapons - theyre more unstable.

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Heard something intersting on 5live today - North Korea want(ed) to talk directly to the US in the past but given the two countries are led by two total nutjobs it might be left in limbo until trump goes. In that time the north will have a fully functional nuclear missile. There will be sabre rattling but thats as far as it will go I reckon.


And to be honest, so what if North Korea do get one? They havent invaded anyone, to my knowledge they dont sponsor terrorism. All theyve done is guarrentee that America wont invade them. Pakistan is always on the edge of being a full on basket case of nation and theyve got nuclear weapons - theyre more unstable.


If he gets one he might be more inclined to invade the South with conventional forces. I imagine that's the worry.

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North Korea threatens US with 'greatest pain' after UN sanctions


"The forthcoming measures by DPRK [the Democratic Republic of Korea] will make the US suffer the greatest pain it has ever experienced in its history," he told a UN conference in Geneva.

"Instead of making [the] right choice with rational analysis... the Washington regime finally opted for political, economic and military confrontation, obsessed with the wild dream of reversing the DPRK's development of nuclear force - which has already reached the completion phase."

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