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Read THE RISE OF KIm Jung Un on the BBC website. for the objective of N Korea. Trump has been had for a mug


He is a proven liar, but then again Trump is no angel, I’ll put my money on Trump, albeit being backed up with the largest armoury in the history of the world. ;)

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Totally agree, however the Trump haters will no doubt come up with their usual negatives, you don't have to like someone in order to give them credit for exceptional achievements.
Exactly, I'm impressed with what he's achieved today, and even if the end result isn't successful he deserves some praise for making the effort.
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I didn’t think the Trump-Kim summit would go ahead but it has, so well done to Mr Trump for trying to end the war games with North Korea. What ever the out come is at least he has tried.


Brilliant tactics by Mr Trump, if NK gives up its nuclear capability and makes peace with SK, what an outcome...Trump has made major concessions to Kim, given him enough rope to hang himself.. If Kim reneges on the deal it will give Trump all the ammunition he needs to take drastic action, and with the backing of his allies.. very clever man..

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I'll give credit where it's due, trump has done well pulling this off


No, Trump's people have done well.


Trump doesn't know diplomacy, only threats. It was only a short time ago he was threatening to nuke them. I find it hard to believe such a man can flip from war to peace so easily.


And if he really can do, then I fear for the world.

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If the totally ineffectual Obama had brokered this in the same circumstances the snowflakes would be shouting from the roof tops.

sorry to burst your bubble, notice the plural

While past US presidents have avoided granting such a meeting without North Korea first making verifiable progress towards dismantling its weapons of mass destruction programmes, Donald Trump has forgone this traditional diplomatic approach for one that could potentially make negotiations more agile


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Brilliant tactics by Mr Trump, if NK gives up its nuclear capability and makes peace with SK, what an outcome...Trump has made major concessions to Kim, given him enough rope to hang himself.. If Kim reneges on the deal it will give Trump all the ammunition he needs to take drastic action, and with the backing of his allies.. very clever man..


I’m not that good on politics, but I think you could be right.

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No, Trump's people have done well.


Trump doesn't know diplomacy, only threats. It was only a short time ago he was threatening to nuke them. I find it hard to believe such a man can flip from war to peace so easily.


And if he really can do, then I fear for the world.


But he's at the table, Obama and bush - or their people - didn't get there.


I don't doubt he can flip from one position to another - look at the G7 only a few days ago, and as I said he can still balls it up. Both aren't conventional politicians by any measure and that might have made it work.

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But he's at the table, Obama and bush - or their people - didn't get there.


Was North Korea such a threat under Bush or Obama though? Bush was busy with Saddam and Bin Laden, I can't speak for Obama.


One thing I can say though, neither Bush or Obama got into a sad Twitter trolling war with them though.


Having a look back at the news from 2012, it seems that Obama was concerned that North Korea was launching satellites.


Funny how history repeats itself though, March 2012:


North Koreans Agree to Freeze Nuclear Work; U.S. to Give Aid



North Korea announced on Wednesday that it would suspend its nuclear weapons tests and uranium enrichment and allow international inspectors to monitor activities at its main nuclear complex. The surprise announcement raised the possibility of ending a diplomatic impasse that has allowed the country’s nuclear program to continue for years without international oversight.


The Obama administration called the steps “important, if limited.” But the announcement seemed to signal that North Korea’s new leader, Kim Jong-un, is at least willing to consider a return to negotiations and to engage with the United States


Obama's 'Victory' with North Korea



The Obama administration has announced a new nuclear agreement with North Korea under its new supreme leader, Kim Jong-un. The administration says that North Korea has agreed to a moratorium on nuclear-weapons and missile-delivery activities at Yongbyon, one of North Korea’s known nuclear-weapons-related facilities, in exchange for the U.S. agreeing to provide food aid. The announced bargain is worse than bad.


Wholly apart from the fact that North Korea has dishonored each and every non-proliferation agreement it has made over the years and can be expected not to comply with this agreement as well

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Was North Korea such a threat under Bush or Obama though? Bush was busy with Saddam and Bin Laden, I can't speak for Obama.


One thing I can say though, neither Bush or Obama got into a sad Twitter trolling war with them though.


Having a look back at the news from 2012, it seems that Obama was concerned that North Korea was launching satellites.


Funny how history repeats itself though, March 2012:


North Koreans Agree to Freeze Nuclear Work; U.S. to Give Aid





Obama's 'Victory' with North Korea



Interestingly, if I recall correctly, the parting shot from bush to Obama and Obama to trump was "watch out for North Korea".

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