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America and North Korea

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---------- Post added 29-04-2017 at 13:40 ----------

Putin is not to be trusted, having successfully interfered in the last US election, occupied Crimea and eastern Ukraine, and had Russian opposition politicians murdered, so the west has to be very wary of his real intentions.


There is no proof however of Putin sanctioning this or whether it was even successful. IIRC Clinton was in breach of security protocols regarding emails on her server, and as such even a kiddie hacker could have accessed them. The USA however have been hacking the emails and phones of some of Europe's leaders including Merkel and apparently have been caught as the authors of some hacking software found on hacked computers. All this coming to light from Wikileaks. It seems that the USA, the good guys, have been the protagonist on many occasions but Russia are the bad guys.


Putin sees himself as the leader of a "Super power, equal to the US in terms of military power. Nothing could be further from the truth. The size of the Russian GNP is similar to that of Canada, average salary is about $1,000 pm, and its navy is badly out of date. It manufacturers very little and is reliant on the export of oil, natural gas and minerals. It does have thousands of nuclear weapons from its Soviet days, but they are of limited value in an age of "Mutual Assured Destruction."


This is why he cannot have many "real intentions" in taking over any Baltic states.

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Hey Apelike:


next you 'll be telling us that there is no proof that Putin occupied Crimea, invaded eastern Ukraine and has nothing to do with the disposal of Russian opposition politicians.

Five of Trumps campaign people met with Russian government people (in US, UK and Holland) or those with known Russian government contacts, before the elections results were known. One of these now wants to talk, has asked for immunity to testify, and failed to get it.


The FBI says there is an investigation now looking into this activity.

It has already been made public that known Russian email addresses have emerged, when investigations into the Democratic Party's computer's hacking have been carried out. It had nothing to do with HRC's server as you state, it is to do with the Democratic Party's computer systems

There is a story there for all to see.

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Hey Apelike:


next you 'll be telling us that there is no proof that Putin occupied Crimea, invaded eastern Ukraine and has nothing to do with the disposal of Russian opposition politicians.


Not stating any of that as you know. Just pointing out that the USA are not as innocent as they would like us to believe and have already been called out with Wikileaks. The USA have also been complicit in hacking phones and also creating malware so the problems are not only of Russia's making.


Trouble is now people are also wary of the intelligence services after the many lies from them that led to the Iraq war. Russia, I'm sure are also not innocent either but, who can the public believe as most of the current stories are more of a propaganda nature as direct proof is very much lacking.


Getting back to N.Korea and Iran they also seems to have an element of hype attached.

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Same here. The two rocket failures have shown the world just how inferior their technology is.

They are a laughing stock. The only sad thing is that Jong un will have had people executed for making him so.


I wonder if these failures are just to divert attention from themselves and secretly they have perfected their system but don't want the rest of the world to know just yet :suspect::suspect:

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I wonder if these failures are just to divert attention from themselves and secretly they have perfected their system but don't want the rest of the world to know just yet :suspect::suspect:


Of course they would want the rest of the world to know.

It is called a nuclear deterrent!

I.e. Built to deter attack based on mutual destruction. If you attack us we have the nuclear capability to retaliate ( or not in NK case ).

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To my mind there is a clear and obvious way to resolve the NK situation - assassination of Kim Jong-un, and probably other key individuals within the NK regime.


I can only imagine that's not happening because the US don't have capability to execute such an operation. If they could do it, surely it would have happened by now?

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