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America and North Korea

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Two different things there. 1 - missile technology, 2 - nuclear warheads.

At the moment he's got some functioning warheads, not good ones, but they work. He doesn't have a viable delivery system, and the US has for 2 decades now been working on anti missile systems that can shoot down the entirely effective USSR missile systems.


I new the US were trying to make an anti missile system, but did not realise how advanced their system was, especially if it can shoot down all of the USSR missiles. I wonder how advanced the USSR is with there anti missile system?

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I didn't say "all".

The single most effective tactic for getting past a missile defence system is to overwhelm it with the number of missiles. NK with 0 working missiles can't achieve that.


Right, thank you for that.

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but do you not think the west are acting aggressive?


It​ does make you wonder. Far be it from me to justify North Korea, but we can blow up part of Australia with nuclear tests and America can blow up Pacific islands the same way but woe betide if anyone else wants to test.

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It​ does make you wonder. Far be it from me to justify North Korea, but we can blow up part of Australia with nuclear tests and America can blow up Pacific islands the same way but woe betide if anyone else wants to test.

We keep accusing Russia of being the aggressor, but when you compare the military bases that they have on foreign soil, it is very few, whereas the Americans have loads all over the place, they have loads in Europe ready to attack Russia, how many military bases does Russia have on the American border? the last i recall was cuba, and the Americans didn't like it...and we in the west call Russia the aggressors

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Apelike, I agree it is difficult to know who to believe sometimes. The worse one on this side is Fox News, but there are others that only report news when it has got a political slant on. Of course the US (and the UK, FR. Ger, China etc) do certain things behind the scenes that they cannot reveal to the public, or if they do, how they got it.


I have seen criticism of the BBC on the Forum, but they are the ones I tend to go to because of their verification process and having reporters "On the spot" so to speak


All I am saying is that if Russia has invaded eastern Ukraine, occupied Crimea, and Russian politicians opposed to Putin are being "Disposed of," and the US Congress say they have evidence of Russian hacking into the Democrats computer to help get Donald Trump elected, it is not that difficult to determine what Russia's end game is.


Waldo. The UK thought of assassinating Hitler in 1943, but decided against it because "Someone just as evil would replace him." Same with the Dear Leader I think. We, the west and NKs neighbours, have to place and keep pressure on China to convince the NK leadership that they will be better off, and safer, with no nuclear weapons than with them

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We keep accusing Russia of being the aggressor, but when you compare the military bases that they have on foreign soil, it is very few, whereas the Americans have loads all over the place, they have loads in Europe ready to attack Russia, how many military bases does Russia have on the American border? the last i recall was cuba, and the Americans didn't like it...and we in the west call Russia the aggressors


When did the US last annex a country and declare it to be part of the US?

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We keep accusing Russia of being the aggressor, but when you compare the military bases that they have on foreign soil, it is very few, whereas the Americans have loads all over the place, they have loads in Europe ready to attack Russia, how many military bases does Russia have on the American border? the last i recall was cuba, and the Americans didn't like it...and we in the west call Russia the aggressors


Yes I remember thinking when The Bay of Pigs crisis was on that it stank of double standards.

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When did the US last annex a country and declare it to be part of the US?


point taken, but Americans dont work that way, they just pay people to overthrow governments and install an American friendly puppet regime, they dont actually have an American flag flying in that country, but they may as well,

and according to this articel


They killed over 20 million people in the process...

and they call Russia the aggressors.

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