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WW3 hide-aways.

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Scotland is one of the most militarised countries around, after all the submarine bases, underground munitions bunkers and other huge military interests have been dealt with up there hardly anything will be left.


Thats a fair point. Oddly enough we are a reasonable distance from any major military installation. Stay at home?


Actually Id go to work - two very tough doors, good natural light from slylights (not glass) and no windows to blow through. Im not legging it to the wilderness with everyone else. I hate crowds.

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Those unaware of things are the ones who don't worry, they have no concept of history's calamities and are incapable of seeing their comfortable, gadget filled, shopper-holic, soap opera lifestyles ever being interrupted.


Imagine though if just the electricity, the Achilles Heel of modern civilisation, went off for a few days ( it happened weekly in the early 70's don't forget ), everything from cash tills to lifts would stop working, not to mention being unable to re-charge those umbilical cords known as Smart phones etc., they'd go bonkers and need 'councelling ! Some terrorist group has even mentioned mass attacks on the National Grid power lines, out in the wilds.


It's more gut feelings with me, that something mega is on the horizon. And what's 'Saint Theresa of Bilderberg' up to with this early election ? A massive majority so she can bring in the draconian new restrictions needed to control the rioting homeless and hungry which would develop ? Those mothballed water cannon's will be working non-stop.


I would certainly avoid South Africa, which someone mentioned.


I naturally hope things settle, but with all those bubbles seemingly about to burst, God help us, it'll be-dog-eat dog, especially in the supermarkets, there were near riots not so long ago during a sugar shortage, forget queuing if that happens, it'll be fists.


Pessimism ? Maybe, but where's any optimism ?

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Don't forget a generator and fuel stocks ;)


Personally, I'll be putting coffee snobbery aside, and stock up on decent freeze dried instead: it's easier (and quieter) to boil <any> water, than to power up a Tassimo ;)

SF is the Obi Wan Kenobi of online forums: "You can never win [, Vader]. If you strike me, I shall become more powerful than you can ever imagine" :hihi:

Violin, of course.

Well, proof shall be in the pudding if you turn up in it :D


Looking at it a 300Tdi doesn't need any electrics at all once started. I could convert it to a compressed air start....


Failing that a small amount of work can easily EMP proof the regulator, start relays and motor - the only solid state is the regulator and the H bridge thyristors for the winch and I built that so its not tricky to proof...


Alsace-Lorraine here I come.


Luxuries? I can offer 30 year malt and a good amount of freeze dried coffee and vacuum chocolate....

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Alsace-Lorraine here I come.


Luxuries? I can offer 30 year malt and a good amount of freeze dried coffee and vacuum chocolate....

Now, in wartime, that's currency you're talking about :cool:


Mirabelle (liquor) is the local gut twister. Bonus points: it grows on trees (it's a plum), requires only the simplest of distillation (every family around has got an alembic knocking around in their attic/shed/<...>) and we've got aged hectolitres of the stuff (still working on acquiring the taste, it's eye wateringly-close to medical grade :gag:...useful for first aid I suppose :D)


I'm sure the Russkies will love it over distilled missile propellant and engine coolant "vodka" :D

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One technical question - what are your stocks of .303 British like? I do have a Mk4 made by Messrs Lee and Enfield....
Nil, of course...


...t'neighbour though, he's got loads :cool::D


EDIT: plenty of OEM Brennekes though, if you've got a 12, since you apparently like shooting the big stuff.


'told you there were a lot of wild boars around! :D

Edited by L00b
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Nil, of course...


...t'neighbour though, he's got loads :cool::D


EDIT: plenty of OEM Brennekes though, if you've got a 12, since you apparently like shooting the big stuff.


'told you there were a lot of wild boars around! :D


Grumbles - you really need a shotty for boar? That's just so - uncivilised....


What's wrong with a .243 with proper expansion....?


I mean for large game or small helicopters I do have a .470 but that'd vapourise a boar....

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Why not read what I have written several times now?


The fire at Chernobyl resulted from an out of control nuclear reaction.


A fire resulting from the water boiling off spent fuel pools cannot go critical and hence would not be a Chernobyl-like fire.


I'm not trying to score points. I'm pointing out the ignorance in describing any fire at a nuclear facility as Chernobyl-like. That is the point I latched onto from the beginning.


---------- Post added 18-04-2017 at 12:15 ----------



With respect, you seem to be telling me things I know.


Look at my first response in this thread to I1L2T3.


See how he said Chernobyl-like fire? I took issue with that. He replied saying he wasn't just thinking about reactors. Chernobyl was a reactor so can you see my point about the fire? He said he was thinking about fires resulting after water boils off due to power failure. I reiterated this wouldn't be a Chernobyl-like fire then either, because it's not from an out of control reaction. Spent fuel pools won't go critical.


He then changed the scenario completely. It wasn't just loss of cooling to the spent fuel, the facility had been hit a nuclear strike. As I said, his scenario escalated quickly didn't it? Loss of power now has become a direct hit. Wow!!


My only point, which I don't think I1L2T3 will ever get his head around, is not every fire at a nuclear facility, should be described as Chernobyl-like. He says I've latched onto that one point. Yes, yes I have. So? I've made that clear three time now!


Then he accused me of not knowing what I'm talking about. That irony was hilarious.


Fires at a Nuclear power plant shouldn't be a problem with all that "heavy water" available, surely. :roll:

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Fires at a Nuclear power plant shouldn't be a problem with all that "heavy water" available, surely. :roll:


There's no heavy water present in most reactor designs, and it'd only make the nuclear side of it go better if added....


RBMK's like Chernobyl were so insanely designed that it's almost like they wanted them to go bang.... the new designs are so much better. Fully passively cooled is now perfectly possible.

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