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WW3 hide-aways.

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Grumbles - you really need a shotty for boar? That's just so - uncivilised...
Up, close and personal, that's me. Mano a mano, Jeffe :D

What's wrong with a .243 with proper expansion....?
I did not introduce my utilitarian "shotty" properly: a CZ Brno over-under, with one chambered in 12 & the other in 8x57 JRS.


Rest assured it's the 8x57 that is usually tasked for boars and deers. Must be 20 years since I actually loaded and shot a Brenneke, we've always had them as a if-all-else-fails option, with big solitary males that just won't go down...


..and I'm well past my tree-climbing best these days :blush::lol:


The current dog's alright for them though, a big patterdale cross seems a better option than the 'traditional' wire dachs we used to use. I've seen him chase off a solitary 2 years ago, that was 3 or 4 times his size (looked as big as a great dane from afar!), didn't whether to roll on the floor laughing or s*** my pants at the time :hihi:

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Up, close and personal, that's me. Mano a mano, Jeffe :D

I did not introduce my utilitarian "shotty" properly: a CZ Brno over-under, with one chambered in 12 & the other in 8x57 JRS.


Rest assured it's the 8x57 that is usually tasked for boars and deers. Must be 20 years since I actually loaded and shot a Brenneke, we've always had them as a if-all-else-fails option, with big solitary males that just won't go down...


..and I'm well past my tree-climbing best these days :blush::lol:


The current dog's alright for them though, a big patterdale cross seems a better option than the 'traditional' wire dachs we used to use. I've seen him chase off a solitary 2 years ago, that was 3 or 4 times his size (looked as big as a great dane from afar!), didn't whether to roll on the floor laughing or s*** my pants at the time :hihi:


There's some insane people round here that apparantly hunt black forest pigs with spears. In the ground let it run over you and the spear. That's close and personal lol. Not sure if that's legal and even less sure of their sanity. I presume that natural selection for tree climbing features in their DNA.... 8mm should be sufficient though and far less fear inducing than getting real close to them!

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This thread reminded me that I want to buy season

pass for the latest Fallout.

I looked it up, and Easter sale is still up.

Something good came from danger of nuclear war.

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This thread reminded me that I want to buy season

pass for the latest Fallout.

I looked it up, and Easter sale is still up.

Something good came from danger of nuclear war.


Fallout 4 is the bomb. Saving up to get a VR PC so I can experience that as well.

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There's no heavy water present in most reactor designs, and it'd only make the nuclear side of it go better if added....


RBMK's like Chernobyl were so insanely designed that it's almost like they wanted them to go bang.... the new designs are so much better. Fully passively cooled is now perfectly possible.


I see you took my bait, I shall eat you later lol:D

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We know someone who is stocking food because they are sure that the end is nigh.Whether they will have enough to last them for years is doubtful.

When they emerge from the wreck of their home the country will resemble the book/film "The Road"

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Fallout 4 is the bomb. Saving up to get a VR PC so I can experience that as well.


Its something else again entirely :) VR is really something you have to try before you really do appreciate it sadly the cost to entry is still very high :(

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