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New speeding fines, the way forward.

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New speeding fines(from 24/04/17) means that, for speeding, the Government are doing away with fixed fines; and motorists will now be fined a percentage of their income.


The fines will be between 50% and 150% of a persons weekly income, up to a maximum of £2,500

The speeding fine is to be capped at £2,500 for those caught speeding on the motorway, and £1,000 everywhere else.


It should mean that more money will be raised from fines, which is surely a good thing, and it will be slightly fairer.

If only this could be applied in other areas of criminality, but over time this may well happen.


Consultation last year showed that many magistrates and criminal justice professionals felt the current sentencing guidelines "did not properly take into account the increase in potential harm that can result as speed above the speed limit increases".



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Just another scam by the Government of the day to pick your pocket a little more.


Why doesn't the Government do away with fines all together and use alternative methods of punishment. Community service on a weekend, litter picking on a weekend or footpath sweeping even. That would be a punishment without reducing the income of a family.


Will it ever happen, does snow melt, do we get wet when standing in the rain, more chance of reversing these two items than the Government missing an opportunity to fleece us.



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Just another scam by the Government of the day to pick your pocket a little more.


Why doesn't the Government do away with fines all together and use alternative methods of punishment. Community service on a weekend, litter picking on a weekend or footpath sweeping even. That would be a punishment without reducing the income of a family.


Will it ever happen, does snow melt, do we get wet when standing in the rain, more chance of reversing these two items than the Government missing an opportunity to fleece us.




The Swiss have a similar system.


---------- Post added 17-04-2017 at 22:48 ----------


Waits for the "if you don't speed you won't get fined" comments to come in.


True though. Isn't it?

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Maybe they start with fairer fines, its going in the right direction.


I don't know the exact details but I remember reading in the paper about a Swiss man caught speeding in a McLaren SLR. His fine was huge. I think it was 200,000 CHF. It was a massive amount either way.


A cap of £2500 is tiny by comparison.

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If what they say is true in that the money generated from fines has to be spent on roads/roadside infrastructure, then it must be galling to know that each time you get caught speeding your likely helping towards the cost of yet more installations.

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Waits for the "if you don't speed you won't get fined" comments to come in.


Do you think you get fined if you don't speed?


If you cant match the speed on the dial thingy in the car to the speed on the big posts on the roadside then really you only have yourself to blame.

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Just another scam by the Government of the day to pick your pocket a little more.


Why doesn't the Government do away with fines all together and use alternative methods of punishment. Community service on a weekend, litter picking on a weekend or footpath sweeping even. That would be a punishment without reducing the income of a family.


Will it ever happen, does snow melt, do we get wet when standing in the rain, more chance of reversing these two items than the Government missing an opportunity to fleece us.




To run that type of scheme costs a fortune. But putting that aside, I once spoke to someone who had been on community service. They told me it was a joke, some just refused to get out of the mini bus when they got there and were not challenged (well what could anyone do?). One of the group just watched while smoking a spliff, a few did do something but very few did anything well.


I did see a documentary about it once, they showed much the same but picked out the very worst cases.


The idea is sound, but the execution is appalling I'm told.

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To run that type of scheme costs a fortune. But putting that aside, I once spoke to someone who had been on community service. They told me it was a joke, some just refused to get out of the mini bus when they got there and were not challenged (well what could anyone do?). One of the group just watched while smoking a spliff, a few did do something but very few did anything well.


I did see a documentary about it once, they showed much the same but picked out the very worst cases.


The idea is sound, but the execution is appalling I'm told.


Considering 112,000 people were fined for speeding on just the motorway network in 2014 alone that would be an awful lot of people doing community service. Who is going to pay for that logistical nightmare?


Angelfire's response was so typical of the 'it's everyone's fault but mine and I'm being screwed!' brigade.


Don't blame the government. Man up, take the fine and move on. Or sort out your heavy right foot.

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