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New speeding fines, the way forward.

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Then why did you post this in September in relation to speed awareness courses?


I said speed cameras . It was a mobile scamera van hid round a bend who got me. I know where all the static cameras are in sheffield and Barnsley so they arnt a problem.

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Cameras aren't the problem are they, cameras are there to take piccies of the problem, and if I could stand by the side of the road earning money taking snapshots of silly people I'd do the same.

Edited by silentP
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I have just been reading about the new Speeding Legislation and can see how drivers will be categorised into A,B & C bands regarding seriousness of offences. "Drivers could be fined over 150% etc of their weekly income!" That's all well and good but a lot of people who drive are on Benefits. Can anyone explain how that works with them because l can't find anything talking about that. Surely if l'm working and doing 60mph in a 40mph zone and someone unemployed is doing the same he/she should be fined exactly the same. Crazy Country we live in.

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I have just been reading about the new Speeding Legislation and can see how drivers will be categorised into A,B & C bands regarding seriousness of offences. "Drivers could be fined over 150% etc of their weekly income!" That's all well and good but a lot of people who drive are on Benefits. Can anyone explain how that works with them because l can't find anything talking about that. Surely if l'm working and doing 60mph in a 40mph zone and someone unemployed is doing the same he/she should be fined exactly the same. Crazy Country we live in.


I believe that a nominal income of around £100 per week is applied as a minimum.


... and a minimum penalty of £100 and 3 points will apply.

Edited by cgksheff
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I have just been reading about the new Speeding Legislation and can see how drivers will be categorised into A,B & C bands regarding seriousness of offences. "Drivers could be fined over 150% etc of their weekly income!" That's all well and good but a lot of people who drive are on Benefits. Can anyone explain how that works with them because l can't find anything talking about that. Surely if l'm working and doing 60mph in a 40mph zone and someone unemployed is doing the same he/she should be fined exactly the same. Crazy Country we live in.


I suppose it depends which benefit, but if you mean unemployed and on job seekers allowance, if I was on it, I wouldn't expect to be able to run a vehicle, but on any other benefits any fine would be a % so it should work better than the old system where anyone on a very high income wasn't really deterred.

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Given that the purpose of a fine is to alter behaviour it needs to have a meaningful impact on an offenders pocket.


Given the level of income differential, between people and between regions is huge (the top 10% of households earn 10x that of the bottom 10%), there is perfect logic in matching the fine to income.


---------- Post added 20-04-2017 at 15:28 ----------


What if your too wealthy to have to work, with no wages at all?


Just because you don't work doesn't mean you have no income.

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