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New speeding fines, the way forward.

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Oh really? I have a friend who drives wagons for a living. At 4 am in the morning when there is virtually no traffic on the smart motorway, every speed limit sign is different and every one is less than 70.


Now why is that?


You know it's almost like you think I've never driven at a time like that and you think you've some amazing point to make...


Traffic conditions vary. On the M1 and M40 this morning the smart signs were much in force managing the flow. Amazing I didn't find it difficult to spot the signs and stay underneath that speed.


If you have trouble doing that then I suggest you, or your "freind" stops driving.

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But by using your logic, cars should therefore be much safer, capable of stopping sooner and therefore fewer accidents.


But there aren't, why is that?


Cars are way safer than they used to be. In the early 70's there were 8,000 deaths on the road in the worst year, now there are less than 2,000.


Back then safety belts weren't always fitted and weren't compulsory. Some cars still ran on crossply tyres and had drum brakes.


Now you have airbags, crumple zones, better tyres, better brakes, collapsible steering columns, ISOFIX for baby seats and that's before you get on to recent innovations like autonomous braking.


Road safety has come a long way in this country.

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why do we insist on punishing people for motoring offences if its not just about raising money, we are constantly told that punishing offenders for other crimes like burglary,vandalism etc doesnt work only rehabilitation works.






The new levels of fines levied against speeders only kick in when the driver is well over the limit. For instance, a Band C fine of 150% of a driver’s weekly wage would be applied if the driver was caught doing 76 mph in a 50

The speed courses (rehabilitation/education) courses will still be offered to those found to be marginal speeders (currently 35-42 mph in a 30).

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Cars are way safer than they used to be. In the early 70's there were 8,000 deaths on the road in the worst year, now there are less than 2,000.


Back then safety belts weren't always fitted and weren't compulsory. Some cars still ran on crossply tyres and had drum brakes.


Now you have airbags, crumple zones, better tyres, better brakes, collapsible steering columns, ISOFIX for baby seats and that's before you get on to recent innovations like autonomous braking.


Road safety has come a long way in this country.


You are right.

Also worth mentioning, though, is the fact that half of our current level of road deaths involves vulnerable road users (outside the high-tech safety of the boxes we drive) with a quarter of the total involving pedestrians.

For all of us, it is still the case that whatever the speed limit, driver speed choices matter and every single mph matters.

Then add in our natural laziness - the vehicle’s safety features aren’t allowed to work to their optimum because drivers have had no training in using ABS, say, and commonly run on under-inflated and illegally threaded tyres out of ignorance and disinterest.

In my work, I rarely meet the perfect “all checks done” driver. Most get by on a wing and a prayer.

Edited by DT Ralge
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I will own up to that.


---------- Post added 14-05-2018 at 17:34 ----------



Probably because I think the smart motorway ones are unnecessary.


The lowered speed limits at rush hour serve a traffic calming purpose. They seem unnecessary, perhaps, because there are largely fewer or no incidents.

There are fewer or no incidents because drivers' expectations are being managed. With a lowered speed limit we all drive at roughly the same lower speed, we need smaller separation gaps to keep safe (more vehicles per rolling mile) and there is no point in anyone speeding up, changing lane or overtaking.

Hence we all get A to B in uneventful fashion.

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I will own up to that.


---------- Post added 14-05-2018 at 17:34 ----------



Probably because I think the smart motorway ones are unnecessary.


I'd have to disagree. I was regulary driving from junction 38 to come off at 35a in the morning rush hour and it was regulary queing past the start of the variable speed limits. Since they have been in use I can't remember the last time it was start/stop on the same section other than once or twice when there had been a serious incident. It seems to work to me anyway

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