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What's May up to? General election 08/06/2017

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Can the Tories rely on your vote?


this time I will vote tactically for the party that offers the Brexit I think is best for us.


Or if it transpires there is a good chance that Brexit can be stopped then I'll vote for a party that can help deliver that.


In either scenario it's unlikely that the Tories can meet my expectations. I've never voted for them and right now I don't think that'll change because May is a poor leader, prone to u-turns, light on detail, totally focused on party management, vindictive in social policy, has attempted on more than one occasion to subvert democracy and is untrustworthy.

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Also the media has already started on Tim Farron who is a devout christian. He refuses to answer if he thinks homosexuality is a sin.



Farron was one of nine liberals to abstain on gay marriage in 2013.


He has voted against sexual Orientation anti-discrimination laws before and also abstained on the votes allowing adoption by gay couples and IVF treatment for lesbians. Odd for a liberal.


That won't come back to haunt him in the coming weeks. Honest.


He may have voted as you say, but - "On 5 Feb 2013: Tim Farron voted in favour of allowing same sex couples to marry."


Just like Theresa May, he is religious, does she also vote with her religious values?



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In principle is there anything wrong with a U-turn if there's a change in sitation or dynamics?
That is true. But what is the change in situation or dynamics here?


It's not as if May hasn't repeatedly, steadfastly and very publicly denied any intention to hold a GE before 2020 since July last year (including no later than a month ago), likewise about the SNP's IndyRef2.


Let's be brutally honest, here: going by her record as Home Secretary and lately PM, she could give lessons to windmills.


She has zero credibility on the topic of charting a course and seeing it through. That doesn't mean she can't lead the Tories, but we're talking about policy formulation and implementation here, not party management. And with the political situation she inherited from Cameron (HoC majority, castrated "opposition") there is simply no excuse for her lack of achievements 9 months on.

Edited by L00b
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It was close in terms of percentages but not in constituencies. I think it was something like 70% leave in all constituencies. A lot of MP's are going to be seriously worried about their jobs now.


Also the media has already started on Tim Farron who is a devout christian. He refuses to answer if he thinks homosexuality is a sin.



Farron was one of nine liberals to abstain on gay marriage in 2013.


He has voted against sexual Orientation anti-discrimination laws before and also abstained on the votes allowing adoption by gay couples and IVF treatment for lesbians. Odd for a liberal.


That won't come back to haunt him in the coming weeks. Honest.


Only if his and the party's position are opportunistically misrepresented. So let's be clear. Tim Farron voted in favour of gay marriage on five separate occasions.


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It was close in terms of percentages but not in constituencies. I think it was something like 70% leave in all constituencies. A lot of MP's are going to be seriously worried about their jobs now.


Also the media has already started on Tim Farron who is a devout christian. He refuses to answer if he thinks homosexuality is a sin.



Farron was one of nine liberals to abstain on gay marriage in 2013.


He has voted against sexual Orientation anti-discrimination laws before and also abstained on the votes allowing adoption by gay couples and IVF treatment for lesbians. Odd for a liberal.


That won't come back to haunt him in the coming weeks. Honest.

Given how socially conservative many people who voted for brexit are trying to use his religious views to undermine him may backfire.


The reality is the Lib Dems had a big debate about this during their leadership election. He wouldn't be their leader if they thought he'd let his personal views on this matter dictate party policy.

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