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What's May up to? General election 08/06/2017

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A very simple example of what I mean: Labour want every primary school child to receive free school meals. I like this idea. The Lib Dems had it first but never mind. I think, if the meals are nutritious this would be one step towards tackling childhood obesity because if made compulsory you would be ensuring that every child gets at least one healthy meal a day, free. Instead of pop and crisps, cold McDonalds etc


I think the Tories ought to back this as well. It could easily be funded by reducing Child Benefit for each child by, say, a fiver a week and any reduction in State Benefits is often popular with Tories

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A very simple example of what I mean: Labour want every primary school child to receive free school meals. I like this idea. The Lib Dems had it first but never mind. I think, if the meals are nutritious this would be one step towards tackling childhood obesity because if made compulsory you would be ensuring that every child gets at least one healthy meal a day, free. Instead of pop and crisps, cold McDonalds etc


I think the Tories ought to back this as well. It could easily be funded by reducing Child Benefit for each child by, say, a fiver a week and any reduction in State Benefits is often popular with Tories


I can already afford to pay for my children to eat, so why would I want to pay more tax so the Government can pay for my children to eat? I thought the same when the coalition introduced free school meals for all children under 7; all that happens is that my 6 year old has a free sandwich at school as she has a proper meal with everyone in the evening. Waste of time and money.

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Something I have never been able to understand is this continual carping about tax.

In an ideal world, there would be no income tax.

All expenses for the country would be drawn from business profits, but that can never be.

The ruling classes refuse to pay their fair share, so we workers must subsidise them by paying tax on the pittance they grudgingly pay for our labour.


However, an increase of say 1% on a taxable income of say £5000 a month is only about £50 a month, or about £11 per week.

Which really is nothing, if it keeps the country healthy, and the less fortunate from poverty.

I really cannot see the reason for the song and dance about such pettifogging amounts.

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Something I have never been able to understand is this continual carping about tax.

In an ideal world, there would be no income tax.

All expenses for the country would be drawn from business profits, but that can never be.

The ruling classes refuse to pay their fair share, so we workers must subsidise them by paying tax on the pittance they grudgingly pay for our labour.


However, an increase of say 1% on a taxable income of say £5000 a month is only about £50 a month, or about £11 per week.

Which really is nothing, if it keeps the country healthy, and the less fortunate from poverty.

I really cannot see the reason for the song and dance about such pettifogging amounts.


Have you been drinking?

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I really cannot see the reason for the song and dance about such pettifogging amounts.


You are forgetting that some people like things in black and white: you're either capitalist or communist.

If you think the rich should pay more tax, then you obviously want to take all of their money: there is no middle ground in these things.

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You are forgetting that some people like things in black and white: you're either capitalist or communist.

If you think the rich should pay more tax, then you obviously want to take all of their money: there is no middle ground in these things.


I think that's unfortunate, because things are much more nuanced than a simplistic approach to politics.

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I really cannot see the reason for the song and dance about such pettifogging amounts.


Maybe people who pay more in taxes than they take out struggle to see the benefit of putting more of their hard earned money into a black hole that is the taxman's purse.

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