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What's May up to? General election 08/06/2017

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Back in the real world.


Latest yougov poll has literally twice as many people planning to vote Conservative as Labour. I'm not kidding it's actually a factor of 2: 48% to 24%



ICM polls from the day before indicate 44% to 26.


If the Conservatives actually get 50% of the vote, will their democratic right to govern and to implement Brexit finally be recognised.

I'm sure there will be some excuse to declare them illegitimate. Tough though. Best start working on it now.

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Back in the real world.


Latest yougov poll has literally twice as many people planning to vote Conservative as Labour. I'm not kidding it's actually a factor of 2: 48% to 24%



ICM polls from the day before indicate 44% to 26.


If the Conservatives actually get 50% of the vote, will their democratic right to govern and to implement Brexit finally be recognised.

I'm sure there will be some excuse to declare them illegitimate. Tough though. Best start working on it now.


Give it a break. You're going to do yourself a mischief being so het up all the time.


Just let the process take its course.

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Guest sibon


If the Conservatives actually get 50% of the vote, will their democratic right to govern and to implement Brexit finally be recognised.

I'm sure there will be some excuse to declare them illegitimate. Tough though. Best start working on it now.


They wont get 50%, the electorate is far too sophisticated to allow that to happen.


In any case, what makes you think that the Tory party is 100% for Brexit? There are a few Tory voters and many existing Tory MPs with the intelligence to realise that the EU is a club worth belonging to.


To flip the question. If the Remain coalition gets off the ground, how big would their vote need to be to challenge the inevitability of Brexit?

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Maybe people who pay more in taxes than they take out struggle to see the benefit of putting more of their hard earned money into a black hole that is the taxman's purse.


If the money was spent on reasonable things rather than lunatic things such as pointless nuclear missiles, for instance, people may find things more acceptable. What possible use is a nuclear weapon to a third rate power such as the UK is shortly to become?


I have said it a few times now, spend our money on our health and well being, not on crazy schemes to kill people who are no threat to us.

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If the Conservatives actually get 50% of the vote, will their democratic right to govern and to implement Brexit finally be recognised.


So from this can we infer that if they don't get 50% you will accept that they don't have a democratic right to govern and to implement Brexit?


I'm sure you will still find some excuse to declare them legitimate.

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0.05% (Robin Hood tax) alone would bring in more than £200 Billion.


0.05% is a very small increase. The seriously rich wouldn't even miss it.


But I'd just be happy if they paid 30% on ALL their wealth, like everyone else. As long as it was on ALL of it. That means not hiding it away in tax havens, and using fancy tax avoidance schemes.


5 basis points on a transaction making 8 to 13 points profit is a tax of 30 %


That i can assure you they will notice

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They wont get 50%, the electorate is far too sophisticated to allow that to happen.


And yet the so called uneducated and misinformed electorate voted with a 51.9% majority for Brexit, so are they now classed as sophisticated as well? :huh:

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Guest sibon
And yet the so called uneducated and misinformed electorate voted with a 51.9% majority for Brexit, so are they now classed as sophisticated as well? :huh:


You seem to think so.

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