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What's May up to? General election 08/06/2017

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I was prompted to revisit this thread after getting up to speed on the 'triple lock' thread and, talking of pettifogging amounts, I through useful to relate that, with my wife as a 'homemaker', I'm paying £7k a year of income tax & NI more, than if my salary was split halfway between us (i.e. for any couple each earning half of my wage, currently they get to keep £7k more a year after tax, than we do). [i just checked this math through HMRC's online calculator, to be sure].


So, when the government eventually consents to assessing income tax on a household basis, rather than on an individual basis, I'll consent to your percentage point tax increase (or pension tax credit or some other measure you have mentioned) without any fuss.


In the meantime, as your percentage point would increase that £7k still further, I trust you can appreciate why the idea doesn't exactly appeal, and why I consider your back-of-fag-packet pettyfogging amount example a grossly misleading oversimplification.


By reference to the 'triple lock' thread, I'm not exactly sure how you'd go about changing that situation through (re-)unionising, either.


I have just picked up on this, and was not ignoring it.

The only point I am trying to make, across all the threads, is that paying a little more tax, if it leads to a settled, happy, and equitable country, (and indeed world), is well worth doing.

I realise this can never happen, with the state of humanity at present.


I am becoming idealistic in my old age, and overlooking greed, ambition, and selfishness.

While ever we have people with this strange obsession to have more than their fellow man, we will never achieve our full potential as a species.

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Corbyn to Resign 9th June?


No, he should be forced to stay in that position for at least 20 years or until the party idiots who put him in as leader realise too late what total chumps they are and they've wrecked the party.


Who in their right mind would vote for him....he changes his mind more about policies daily .... even people I know who've voted Labour for generations aren't going near him this time......lets see what happens on the election day

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No, he should be forced to stay in that position for at least 20 years or until the party idiots who put him in as leader realise too late what total chumps they are and they've wrecked the party.


Who in their right mind would vote for him....he changes his mind more about policies daily .... even people I know who've voted Labour for generations aren't going near him this time......lets see what happens on the election day


As we are moving onwards, I think more and more people are realising what a foaming at the mouth maniac Theresa May is.

Our deranged Foreign Secretary makes a bigger fool of himself hourly.

I may have to turn my allegiance back to Corbyn, at least he is not running around like a headless chicken.


I think if the Liberals had a better leader, they would make a good showing.

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She's just come from clay cross and now heading to a rally in a hardcore labour safe seat in Leeds. You can't accuse her of picking easy battles. When is jezza going to Richmond on Thames or Harrogate?


Do you think it is worth his while bothering?

To be honest I cannot see any point in this farce at all.

The country is going to hell, what difference does it make who is steering the handcart?

I will be out of the equation, but I wonder where you will all be in twenty years time.

I am only glad I will not be here to see the humiliation of my country.

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I don't think May is any good heard one of her speeches too many could be may be in short same old same old. Pensions will be frozen , homeless will increased, disabled can expect worse treatment, don't buy that only Brex matters the so much too do we got to make this country to what it should be .

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She's just come from clay cross and now heading to a rally in a hardcore labour safe seat in Leeds. You can't accuse her of picking easy battles. When is jezza going to Richmond on Thames or Harrogate?


Except that when she was in Clay Cross she:

Struggled to the name the town in a TV interview, she said: “I’m pleased to come to er…um…this particular town.”


And when she was in Leeds there were:

handpicked audiences of Tory workers and members when she visited Harehills last night.



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May is extremely fortunate in that the opposition is useless and in disarray.


Had she had to face believable opponents who could manage to look and act the part then she would struggle.


She has shown herself to be a brilliant internal conniving politician who Machiavelli would be proud of.


Don't forget this woman came out for Remain in the referendum campaign.


She managed to do so however, in such a low key way that nobody really brought it up in any major way when she went for the party leadership, and came over all 'Brexit means Brexit', a completely nonsensical slogan incidentally.


Now if you think about that, it doesn't show her in such a good light.


Prior to the referendum there were decisions to be made by our politicians, one would hope that they all took into consideration the good of the country as their main duty.


Therefore, you would hope that they all voted with their conscience, and opted for the outcome that they thought would be in the country's interest.


Even if you voted differently to someone, if you accept that they had good intention ( and weren't looking for self interest like Boris ) then you have to respect their choice, however daft you think it is.


Theresa came out on the Remain side, she is an intelligent woman, presumably that means she had thought through all the factors and concluded that the UK was better in the EU rather than out?


The Remain side lose and all of a sudden the blessed Theresa has a 'road to Damascus ' moment.


Not only is she a Brexiteer, she is a 'Hard' Brexiteer. What brought that about?


Who was demanding a 'Hard' Brexit?


Leavers wanted to leave, we get that, who said they wanted to leave and burn their bridges behind them, and generally annoy our former partners in order to get an acrimonious divorce?


Can't help thinking that self interest and the lust for power are Mrs May's driving force.


The question being how competent will she be in negotiating an acceptable deal when the other party holds all the aces?

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