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What's May up to? General election 08/06/2017

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They show how laughable are the clowns who run the country: you could call it entertainment.




How did we do it in the olden days? These days we have the added advantage of Hansard Online.



We have seen and heard that they are a long way from the best, but it seems there is b- all we can do about it.


It puts charisma over competence, and not by just a little bit. Look at Cameron: bags of charisma, but almost entirely lacking in competence.


The leaders send their politicians into battle on programmes like 'question time' with varying degrees of success. I see no reason why they shouldn't have to do it themselves when there is an election.


Not sure charisma (or the lack of it) trumps sincerity and honesty.

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Well this is an interesting turn up for the books....


It seems the ex Tory Chancellor George Osborne, in his new capacity as editor of the London Evening Standard, has chosen to turn his attack dogs on Mrs May.


He has printed a cartoon mocking her slogan 'Strong and Stable Government'

And he writes; 'There is nothing wrong with repeating election campaign slogans - the problem comes when the election campaign amounts to no more than a slogan.'


It appears this is all part of his efforts to undermine Brexit.


Interesting times we live in....

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Well this is an interesting turn up for the books....


It seems the ex Tory Chancellor George Osborne, in his new capacity as editor of the London Evening Standard, has chosen to turn his attack dogs on Mrs May.


He has printed a cartoon mocking her slogan 'Strong and Stable Government'

And he writes; 'There is nothing wrong with repeating election campaign slogans - the problem comes when the election campaign amounts to no more than a slogan.'


It appears this is all part of his efforts to undermine Brexit.


Interesting times we live in....


Well it turfed him out of a job so I can see why. Thing is, mocking cartoons are, in the main, the only way to get at May. She isnt meeting normal people out on the street, theyre carefully picked, no journalists asking pointy questions, shes getting a free hit really just to trot out "strong and stable government" like a bloody robot. Similar to Trumps campaign in many regards. Dont like the media or opposing views? Dont talk to anyone with opposing views or the media!

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It seems the ex Tory Chancellor George Osborne, in his new capacity as editor of the London Evening Standard, has chosen to turn his attack dogs on Mrs May.


He has printed a cartoon mocking her slogan 'Strong and Stable Government'.


I missed the cartoon; can we get it posted here?


---------- Post added 03-05-2017 at 16:52 ----------


Have I mentioned here already the inherent stability of the gyroscope, which she has attained through multiple U-turns?

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