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What's May up to? General election 08/06/2017

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Just watching the news. Theresa May is claiming that some of the people in the institutions of the EU are 'misrepresenting' the UK, and trying to 'make trouble' for Mrs May in her lead up to the General Elections.

Is this an attempt by Theresa May to up the ante, and to make the EU the Bogeyman so that she can gain more votes from UKIP and Labour voters?

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Just watching the news. Theresa May is claiming that some of the people in the institutions of the EU are 'misrepresenting' the UK, and trying to 'make trouble' for Mrs May in her lead up to the General Elections.

Is this an attempt by Theresa May to up the ante, and to make the EU the Bogeyman so that she can gain more votes from UKIP and Labour voters?


Who knows? This is the problem.

It was the same with the referendum, who was telling the truth and who was mischief making? How much of what was said was self-interest etc?


They have all lost our trust, and we don't know who or what to believe anymore. All we know is that our best interests are not necessarily at the top of their list. Unfortunately we are at a crucial junction in our history both in national and international terms. This loss of confidence in our leaders, and the Establishment, couldn't have happened at a worse time.


What seems to be pretty common ground however, is that we have had enough of them, and their bent system. I think we desperately want change and a fairer system.

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Have I mentioned here already the inherent stability of the gyroscope, which she has attained through multiple U-turns?
You got better than a smirk, but just shy of a LOL, with that one :D


More and better, please :thumbsup:

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  • 1 month later...
Back in the real world.


Latest yougov poll has literally twice as many people planning to vote Conservative as Labour. I'm not kidding it's actually a factor of 2: 48% to 24%



ICM polls from the day before indicate 44% to 26.


If the Conservatives actually get 50% of the vote, will their democratic right to govern and to implement Brexit finally be recognised.

I'm sure there will be some excuse to declare them illegitimate. Tough though. Best start working on it now.


Whatever happened to the real world?

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Most of us have some sort of order/routine at work for tasks that need completing, but I don’t think I can ever recall one more challenging than the Prime Ministers.


Irrespective of who you voted for, would you fancy trying to sort this lot out:


• Brexit- European Countries are chomping at the bit to get these discussions going, whereas we need to decide what sort of Brexit we want, what we’ll accept as a minimum and what are areas that there is absolutely no compromise on. To make matters worse the message from the electorate is very mixed

• Queens speech- This tells us what’s going through Parliament so given the current predicament it’s likely to bare very little resemblance to what was in the manifesto, so what goes in and what comes out and how do you manage the fallout from this from those who voted to bring back Foxhunting and so on

• Economy- Most people recognise balancing the books is proving more difficult than first thought with austerity not providing the expected outcomes and the Chancellor has previously indicated he needs to raise taxes in order to do this. The Prime Minister consequently has to decide whether or not to change strategy and risk upsetting large swathes of her own supporters, or to carry on with something not working

• Forming a Government- The expected arrangement with the DUP presents so many problems that need resolving: The Public reaction to having them influencing Government, what they require from the DWP and how that will be policed, what the DUP require from them and if this is in the form of finances as expected what they’ll be allowed to spend this on and in which areas of Northern Ireland this can be spent (good luck with that one), the Good Friday peace agreement and relations with Nationalists and the Irish Government

• Internal discipline within the Conservative party- Not normally a major issue but given the wafer thin majority this is critical to her now if she is to avoid another Election


I haven’t intended this as an Anti May thread (enough of them exist anyway) and with the exception of the dig on Foxhunting (I really don’t get people voting for this to come back) I’ve avoided this.


This situation would have been relevant to whoever won last week, I’d suggest that it’s impossible to give all of these major issues the attention they fully deserve (possible exception of Brexit as there’s 2 years to get this in) and what worries me is that it’s going to be easy to make big errors that we’ll all suffer for later.


To put this into perspective at my place of work when we implement a new computer system we have many meetings, employ a Project Manager and test the options available before deciding on the one we want (usually 6 months to a year later).


The PM has literally days to negotiate a deal with the DWP, to decide on what polices need ditching, decide on a Brexit strategy post Election, decide on an Economic strategy and keep discipline within her own party. On top of that all of the other aspects of Government.


Whether or not she’s up to the job we’ll all have her own opinions, but good luck to her with this.

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