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What's May up to? General election 08/06/2017

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Dedicated Labour areas will stay Labour, just look at Barnsley.


Their Labour MP was sent to prison for fiddling expenses and embezzling public money, Barnsley voters went to the polls and elected the next pig in a red rosette.


Can you see areas like that voting Tory??


The exact same can be said about Tory areas too. Both sides have entrenched voters that would never change.

And also, why wouldn't they vote Labour again? Surely the MP who was committing fraud has been dealt with unless you are trying to accuse all Labour of fraud based on one MP? If so, let me remind you of Jeffrey Archer...

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Dedicated Labour areas will stay Labour, just look at Barnsley.


Their Labour MP was sent to prison for fiddling expenses and embezzling public money, Barnsley voters went to the polls and elected the next pig in a red rosette.


Can you see areas like that voting Tory??


To be honest I can visualise many areas switching voting to Tory just to keep the Brexit momentum going. Don't forget that it was a Tory government who also gave the people the chance to vote in a referendum and that Labour are pro EU and not doing well. Not forgetting also how leave voters reacted in their regions toward MP's that were not happy with the leave result who said they would challenge it.

Edited by apelike
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An unscheduled press conference that's what. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-39627690


Media is getting all twitchy and think it might be a snap election. It could be someone resigning. I think it's something else, but no idea what.





It will be the easiest GE win the Tories have ever had. They have no opposition .

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May's supporters are not short of current Tory and Labour MPs to target, who have demonstrably acted against Brexit/May's government since the referendum.


May will be keen to be rid of them in a next Parliament and, as a fast campaign requires simple® messages, there will be an element of political witch hunting to this.


Which is all the more hypocritical, when you consider that, a month ago, she was telling Sturgeon and the world that another referendum or election in Scotland would be "too divisive": she's effectively running one just a little over a month away now!

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The theory is that she wants a huge majority, a clear mandate and the death of the Labour Party. She'll likely get it too. Unless, as sibon rightly points out, the lib dems can upset the Apple cart. If I was Tim farron I'd be answering every question between now and June with "a vote for the lib dems is a vote to remain". No policies or costings to trip over, just that. It won't work everywhere but he could well Hoover up more seats than corbyn.



To be fair Labour are on their last legs anyway ,and the GE will just hammer the final nail in their coffin.


Sill, it will also be a good day for many Labour MP`S as the guaranteed defeat will mean the end of Corbyn , someone they have wanted for the last year .

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That might be true, but when they are bombarded with negative 2" high headlines and biased edited reports of what he's supposed to have said rather than what he actually said, and dubious Blairite talking heads with an axe to grind, why would they think they need to bother?


They believe everything they read and hear and their minds are already made up for them. 'They that control the Media control the mind's of the masses.' Malcolm X


---------- Post added 18-04-2017 at 14:51 ----------



Jeremy Corbyn was elected by the biggest majority ever, and has seen the Labour party membership grow to be the biggest in Europe. I'll wager that those flooding to join the Labour party are, like myself, the ones who have heard/seen him live at meetings. No, I hasten to add, the so-called 'Momentum' who I had never heard of until being used by the press.


Jeremy Corbyn is a politician for political nerds, I don't mean that as an insult but as a description of people who take a more than average interest in politics and align themselves to a particular party.


The problem is that most of us aren't like that, and we are the ones you need to vote for you.


If that wasn't so then having the biggest party membership in Europe would bring you election success wouldn't?


It won't though, you need the middle ground 'floating voters' who will vote for the party that they think is best suited to running the country.


To many of us it seems as though the current Labour party is engaged in an internal ideological battle which is of no interest to anyone other than party members.


It is insular navel gazing of the worst kind and totally destructive to the party's interest.


You can harbour the most wonderful intentions in the world but unless you gain power they are useless.

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That might be true, but when they are bombarded with negative 2" high headlines and biased edited reports of what he's supposed to have said rather than what he actually said, and dubious Blairite talking heads with an axe to grind, why would they think they need to bother?


They believe everything they read and hear and their minds are already made up for them. 'They that control the Media control the mind's of the masses.' Malcolm X


---------- Post added 18-04-2017 at 14:51 ----------



Jeremy Corbyn was elected by the biggest majority ever, and has seen the Labour party membership grow to be the biggest in Europe. I'll wager that those flooding to join the Labour party are, like myself, the ones who have heard/seen him live at meetings. No, I hasten to add, the so-called 'Momentum' who I had never heard of until being used by the press.


You appear to be calling the electorate stupid. I don't read the newspapers. I watch the news, Question Time and Newsnight. The message from Labour MPs is often confused, inconsistent and completely unclear.


I don't like what comes directly out of Corbyn's mouth. You appear to hold anyone that disagrees with Corbyn in contempt and blame it on the media. I don't need the right wing press to tell me he's useless. I figured that out from listening to him.

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To be honest I can visualise many areas switching voting to Tory just to keep the Brexit momentum going


And that's exactly why I'll be voting for the Conservatives and I think many ordinary Sheffielders will be doing the same.


The circumstances are very different. This isn't about traditional left vs right politics any longer.

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