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How many parliamentary seats will Labour hold on 9th June?

How many seats will Labour hold on 9th June?  

72 members have voted

  1. 1. How many seats will Labour hold on 9th June?

    • About the same (220-240)
    • It will be terrible for Labour - Less than 100
    • It will be bad for Labour - 100-220
    • Labour will gain but not a majority - 240-324
    • Labour's wildest dreams a working majority - more than 325

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The thing is I think it's about right sadly. I totally support Corbyn's policies and ideas, but having given him plenty of time I really do think he is simply naïve and too naïve to be a politician. I'd love for us to live in a world where we don't need our politicians to be manipulators but we don't, and Corbyn hardly ever manages to out manoeuvre his opponents even when they seem to give him an open goal. Yes, he hasn't exactly been helped by his own party but a lot of the issues are of his own making. I'd love Corbynesque policies delivered by David Miliband but I can only dream of that.


If youre dreaming of David Miliband in any way Id suggest eating less cheese before bed time :)

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This is what I don't understand.


I'm happy to agree that he has a huge following on social media and at public rallies.


But why isn't this converting into by-election wins or strong poll support?


Because the media hasn't allowed him to get his message across to the mainstream voters.


The media has deliberately undermined his every move both overtly and covertly, and refused to report on him at all on many occasions. It has been so bad and so blatant that both he and many party members have complained and the media have been reprimanded, but it hasn't made much difference.


Those that wanted to, have been able to follow him, his speeches, and his efforts on line and at rallies. But most people haven't bothered - why would they, when he has been called 'a loser', 'a joke,' 'a farce,' 'a shambles,' and of 'grinning and gurning' through his opening speech? All those descriptions in just one article in just today's Daily Mail. And that's been going on day after day, relentlessly in the media since day one of his election as leader of the Labour party. It's been disgraceful. People believe what they are told. Those that follow him on alternative media and at rallies know what he really represents.


I'm hoping this bias will be considered illegal during the run up to an election and be outlawed, but up till now if you've wanted to know what he's about you have to go online.

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Because the media hasn't allowed him to get his message across to the mainstream voters.


The media has deliberately undermined his every move both overtly and covertly, and refused to report on him at all on many occasions. It has been so bad and so blatant that both he and many party members have complained and the media have been reprimanded, but it hasn't made much difference.


Those that wanted to, have been able to follow him, his speeches, and his efforts on line and at rallies. But most people haven't bothered - why would they, when he has been called 'a loser', 'a joke,' 'a farce,' 'a shambles,' and of 'grinning and gurning' through his opening speech? All those descriptions in just one article in just today's Daily Mail. And that's been going on day after day, relentlessly in the media since day one of his election as leader of the Labour party. It's been disgraceful. People believe what they are told. Those that follow him on alternative media and at rallies know what he really represents.


I'm hoping this bias will be considered illegal during the run up to an election and be outlawed, but up till now if you've wanted to know what he's about you have to go online.


There have been loads of journalists saying that getting quotes and cooperation from Corbyn's press office is impossible. They never reply in time to meet the publication lor broadcast deadlines.


Corbyn shuns the press, he can't blame them when they don't cover him.

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Because the media hasn't allowed him to get his message across to the mainstream voters.


The media has deliberately undermined his every move both overtly and covertly, and refused to report on him at all on many occasions. It has been so bad and so blatant that both he and many party members have complained and the media have been reprimanded, but it hasn't made much difference.


Those that wanted to, have been able to follow him, his speeches, and his efforts on line and at rallies. But most people haven't bothered - why would they, when he has been called 'a loser', 'a joke,' 'a farce,' 'a shambles,' and of 'grinning and gurning' through his opening speech? All those descriptions in just one article in just today's Daily Mail. And that's been going on day after day, relentlessly in the media since day one of his election as leader of the Labour party. It's been disgraceful. People believe what they are told. Those that follow him on alternative media and at rallies know what he really represents.


I'm hoping this bias will be considered illegal during the run up to an election and be outlawed, but up till now if you've wanted to know what he's about you have to go online.


Sadly Anna, some people do not actually see this, and i honestly cant fathom it out, it is clear as daylight to me, i guess people dont actually want to see it, their hatred of the man blinkers their vision, but if you believe in democracy, then this blatant bias should concern you, especially when people like the BBC are involved.

When i talk to people, and they say they hate Corbyn, they parrot like repeat what they have read in the papers or seen on the news, and when questioned and asked to elaborate, they clearly dont have a clue, but are regurgitating the bile that they have been fed, there were a few news items on the TV the other day, and all the people said how bad Corbyn was, this was on several TV stations, not one person could they find who supported him, and they had a lot of people saying they were Labour supporters, but would now vote Tory because of Corbyn, its a disgrace


---------- Post added 21-04-2017 at 19:43 ----------


There have been loads of journalists saying that getting quotes and cooperation from Corbyn's press office is impossible. They never reply in time to meet the publication lor broadcast deadlines.


Corbyn shuns the press, he can't blame them when they don't cover him.

if he does actually shun them, its probably because he knows no matter what he says, it will probably get distorted and twisted out of context


---------- Post added 21-04-2017 at 19:46 ----------


They dont need to do anything Corbyn makes himself unelectable all on his own. He doesnt need any outside help to do that


i disagree, the media machine very rarely attacks any Tory leader, but they are all over Corbyn like a rash, total media bias

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There have been loads of journalists saying that getting quotes and cooperation from Corbyn's press office is impossible. They never reply in time to meet the publication lor broadcast deadlines.


Corbyn shuns the press, he can't blame them when they don't cover him.


Well they would say that, wouldn't they... Any excuse...

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Tory MP Andrea Jemkyns and her 'boyfriend' Jack Lopresti went to Gibraltar in Sept 2016, her boyfriend went too, they must have been very close before the 'working holiday' since the baby is already here; nice when you can combine work and pleasure. In March 2017, Jenkyns gave birth to a son. The father is fellow Conservative MP Jack Lopresti. All the information is open for public scrutiny.


Andrea Jenkyns - "Destination of visit: Gibraltar

Dates of visit: 8-11 September 2016

Purpose of visit: Gibraltar APPG – post Brexit discussion."


Jack Lopresti - Destination of visit: Gibraltar

Dates of visit: 8-10 September 2016

Purpose of visit: for National Day celebrations.


Gibraltar National Day, celebrated annually on 10 September, did he go home on that day, surely that is why he was there!

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Can you tell us where and when the media equivalent of the Apalachin meeting took place to conspire against Jeremy Corbyn?


good grief.....is that a serious question? does a meeting need to have taken place to realise who their common enemy was?

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good grief.....is that a serious question? does a meeting need to have taken place to realise who their common enemy was?


A bad workman always blames his tools. A crap politician always blames the media.


I very much enjoyed Corbyn's campaign manager on Newsnight yesterday completely fail to identify the elite and the establishment. It was almost like he had no idea what he was talking about.

Edited by MamboNo5
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