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How many parliamentary seats will Labour hold on 9th June?

How many seats will Labour hold on 9th June?  

72 members have voted

  1. 1. How many seats will Labour hold on 9th June?

    • About the same (220-240)
    • It will be terrible for Labour - Less than 100
    • It will be bad for Labour - 100-220
    • Labour will gain but not a majority - 240-324
    • Labour's wildest dreams a working majority - more than 325

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so i assume you dont think that Corbyn has been treated harshly by the media then, and that he has been treated comparable to Cameron and May?


Wow, another person that immediately says 'yeah but' then brings up Tories.


I've got news for you kiddo, I'm not a Tory. You can assume one thing and one thing alone; I think Corbyn is a crap politician.

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Wow, another person that immediately says 'yeah but' then brings up Tories.


I've got news for you kiddo, I'm not a Tory. You can assume one thing and one thing alone; I think Corbyn is a crap politician.


what you talking about? i've not even said you were a Tory, i dont give a monkies whether you are or not, stop getting on your high horse, it was just a comparison to show how he has been treated in comparison to other major politicians, as for your views on Corbyn being crap, it matters not to me....go get yourself a beer.....Kiddo

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[quote=A coalition would allow Timid Farron to do the same as his predecessor and forget his manifesto promises for a chance of personal glory.

'Do you fancy being deputy PM Nick?'

'Sure, what do I have to do Dave.'

'Forget about getting rid of tuition fees.'

'No problem, in fact we'll put them up, when do I start


Cynical but true.

I attributed my comment to the wrong post, now corrected.

Edited by davyboy
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I thought the "people" were represented by their MP's. I'd love to know what the Establishment really means. And if it's so bad why do the people never seem in a hurry to change it?



'The Establishment.' - 'The dominant group or elite, holding effective power or authority in a society or nation. It may be a closed social group which selects its own members and/or specific entrenched elite structures.'


'It may consist of leading politicians, senior civil servants, senior barristers and judges, aristocrats, the most important financiers and industrialists, governors of the BBC, Oxbridge academics, members of and top aides to the Royal family.'


'Candidates for high political office are often said to have to impress the party establishment in order to win endorsement.'


'The matrix of official and social relations within which power is exercised.'



In other words they are the power behind the throne that decides everything, ensures that their vested interests are protected, and makes a mockery of true democracy.

Edited by Anna B
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'The Establishment.' - 'The dominant group or elite, holding effective power or authority in a society or nation. It may be a closed social group which selects its own members and/or specific entrenched elite structures.'


'It may consist of leading politicians, senior civil servants, senior barristers and judges, aristocrats, the most important financiers and industrialists, governors of the BBC, Oxbridge academics, members of and top aides to the Royal family.'


'Candidates for high political office are often said to have to impress the party establishment in order to win endorsement.'


'The matrix of official and social relations within which power is exercised.'



In other words they are the power behind the throne that decides everything, ensures that their vested interests are protected, and makes a mockery of true democracy.


That's a very good definition.


I look at that list & think where is the influence of the ordinary person? Perhaps years ago, that definition of the establishment would've included all the elements you've described. However, the establishment would also have included, perhaps on a tokenistic level other organisations that have a different relationship with ordinary members of the public: senior trade union leaders, heads of local government, senior members of the clergy, elements of the voluntary sector. Sadly, over the last 40 years the power of all those institutions have declined.


I do get a sense that the power of finance, the press, and the executive, as parts of the establishment have increased their share of power.

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On Corbyn: I know several lifelong Labour supporters that will not vote Corbyn, not because of what is in the media but because they regard his policies as fantasy from the past. And these are people that do know the policies. They are also extremely concerned about how he comes across in the media, that isn't to do with the media, that is how he creates a persona.

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Well they would say that, wouldn't they... Any excuse...


He certainly hasn't helped himself with his dealings with the press.


I remember a situation early in his leadership career where he was billed to give a speech at a particular time and the BBC and other broadcasters were there to broadcast it live.


For some reason they had a couple of warm up speakers wittering on about something irrelevant and by the time corbyn came to speak the broadcast slot had gone and all he got was 30 seconds on the news.


If you say he's going to speak at 1:30 and the camera's turn up for a live broadcast then he starts at 1:30 even if you have to drag the previous speaker off at 1:28.

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He certainly hasn't helped himself with his dealings with the press.


I remember a situation early in his leadership career where he was billed to give a speech at a particular time and the BBC and other broadcasters were there to broadcast it live.


For some reason they had a couple of warm up speakers wittering on about something irrelevant and by the time corbyn came to speak the broadcast slot had gone and all he got was 30 seconds on the news.


If you say he's going to speak at 1:30 and the camera's turn up for a live broadcast then he starts at 1:30 even if you have to drag the previous speaker off at 1:28.


wow, were you there?

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On Corbyn: I know several lifelong Labour supporters that will not vote Corbyn, not because of what is in the media but becauseed about how he comes across in the media, that isn't to do with the media, that is how he creates a persona.



' they regard his policies as fantasy from the past. And these are people that do know the policies'.


It's hard to know how they can regard his policies as 'fantasies from the past' when they are all very much to do wth issues that have come to the fore since the banking crash. Particularly Corporate greed and their refusal to pay due taxes, and the rise of the powerful super rich/ elite, and how this affects everyone.


You can go down the pub any night of the week and hear die hard Labour voters complaining about the very same things, but when you tell them that's exactly what Jeremy Corbyn says they look surprised!


Then they regurgitate all the things they've read in the press which are simply not true. They believe only what they've been told to believe.

Edited by Anna B
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I don't think it will be a Tory landslide. Brexit was a one off, an issue that crossed party lines. Now we are back to voting tribally; there are many labour voters who are genetically incapable of voting Tory so their vote will hold up OK in traditional areas.


That said, I'm crap at backing horses. :D

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