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UKIP should have more MPs

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Not having proportional representation can be a good thing. You are far more likely to have a party with a majority and govern without having to compromise in a coalition. In essence, things are more likely to get done.


Also, it stops extreme parties getting a voice such as the BNP.

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I thought UKIP was the Party that preferred and defended British institutions as opposed to those Johnny Foreigners in the EU, as first past the post in elections is an established British institution what can UKIP complain about ?

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Can't understand why UKIP supporters don't just vote Conservative


UKIPerswho were formerly Conservative party members , Farage, Suzanne Evans, Stephen Wolfe, Paul Nuttall, Neil Hamilton, Carswell, Mark Reckless.


Some of these have already returned to the Tory fold. I'd guess that the majority of UKIP members your Colonel Blimps and closet racists were also Tory party members and supporters previously.


---------- Post added 20-04-2017 at 17:18 ----------


I think that's a big strong. I admit that Labour are socialist and authoritarian, but I'd stop short of comparing them to Hitler's lot.


"Socialist" ?


The Labour Party is Social Democrat, advocating social justice within a capitalist economic system

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Not having proportional representation can be a good thing. You are far more likely to have a party with a majority and govern without having to compromise in a coalition. In essence, things are more likely to get done.


Also, it stops extreme parties getting a voice such as the BNP.


Are they still going? Smaller parties are not a problem, they want to stop democracy.

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Not having proportional representation can be a good thing. You are far more likely to have a party with a majority and govern without having to compromise in a coalition. In essence, things are more likely to get done.


Also, it stops extreme parties getting a voice such as the BNP.


Lack of Parliamentary representation could/should lead to extra-parliamentary action which could be seen as a threat to democracy. Nigel Farage on TV said he was prepared to lead a march to the building where the Supreme Court were meeting to decide on Gina Millers request that Brexit could be debated in Parliament

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Not having proportional representation can be a good thing. You are far more likely to have a party with a majority and govern without having to compromise in a coalition. In essence, things are more likely to get done.


Also, it stops extreme parties getting a voice such as the BNP.


Not unless you consider it to be a good thing to live in a country which claims to be a democracy but has a nondemocratic voting system.


Voting by the people being the very basis of democracy.


Germany uses PR and hasn't done too badly considering the political upheaval it had to deal with following reunification.


Austria and the Republic of Ireland use PR and judged by GNP per capita are both wealthier than the UK.


As for extremist groups being allowed a voice, good, they should be allowed to say their piece and show the rest of us what a bunch of cretins they are with their one track xenophobic nonsense.


I detest Ukip but if over 4 million people voted for them then they should be represented.


In the EU their MEPs showed themselves up wonderfully. Worse attendance and voting record highest expense claims.


Because it was in the EU very few people took notice, let them carry on like that in Westminster things will be different.


Also as they have achieved Brexit what is the purpose of them?

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