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Banners on street furniture?

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You need advertising consent from the local authority to erect any permanent signs that - im not sure if that would apply to temporary ones however.


On street furniture though it's certainly not acceptable as it's a distraction to passing traffic. You could well find them summarily removed.

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They can be fitted under licence but there are limitations on fixing to such things as lamp posts etc. as the surface area of signs and banners can place stress on the posts during high winds etc. (there have been incidents where poles have collapsed because of "illegal" signs and banners )


Most authorities take the view that if something is placed where it could distract the driver they wont allow them at all (say on barriers near junctions ,pedestrian crossings etc.)


If you went ahead and fitted them and they didn't want them they are within their rights to remove them and charge you for reasonable costs incurred if they can trace them back to your business ,reasonable costs could be a lot higher than you'd think because it includes person hours and vehicle/travel costs.


I would think if its just a temporary thing of say some laminated posters you could fit them but often what happens is people put them up then don't take them down after the event and if someone complains then the above costs would kick in

I would contact your local authority ,possible asking to speak to the traffic department and ask what the policy is .

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Does anyone know the legality of being able to advertise a business with a banner on street furniture, such as railings etc?


Thanks in advance




Is there any particular reason for this question ?


Is there something that you have seen that has been offensive?

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A Sheffield based removal company has placed a large banner on a fence at the side of the Greenhill Parkway.

To me it looks totally out of place, don't think it will remain there for long.

Can you imagine if there were no rules / regs for advertising by such a means !!


---------- Post added 24-04-2017 at 23:01 ----------


A Sheffield based removal company has placed a large banner on a fence at the side of the Greenhill Parkway.

To me it looks totally out of place, don't think it will remain there for long.

Can you imagine if there were no rules / regs for advertising by such a means !!


Anyone else seen this banner, is it still there ?

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