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Wednesday have more fans - official

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This thread might also be known as "How to start an argument". :)




So, the owls are in the top 20. Blades aren't.


You may well be right to question the statistical significance of the sampling and their approach, but makes for some interesting banter.


Not that I care. I'm a Saints fan and we've got more supporters than either of you. he he.

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Sheffield has 2 football teams who both get around 23 or 24 thousand fans plus an ice hockey team that pulls in several thousand. 50000 people in this city go to see live sport and thats about 10% of the population.

Considering that Sheffield has some of the most poverty stricken areas in Europe I don't think that is bad and nnone of the sheffield teams has Rupert Lowe which is a blessed relief.

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There's a few biggish teams I would have expected to show in that list.


Suprising that Norwich & Leicester are in the top 20 but no Sunderland or Portsmouth which are both 1 team towns as well.


As for the mighty Blades not being on the list I console myself with the fact that whilst we're not amongst the top 20 clubs in terms of popularity we are in terms of our league status from next season.


In fact I'll so far as to say we'll be amongst the top 12 clubs come May 07.

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Hopefully he will be gone today as I think it is southamptons AGM.

Did he used to be a Tory MP in the late 80's


Don't think so. He ran for the UK independance party a few years ago though (not sure if that was for council or for parliament), but that tells you even more about the man.


As for the EGM, it was announced yesterday, which means the vote will happen in the next month and fingers-crossed he will be gone.

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The figures may be 'interesting' but serve little purpose to the average fan. Big isn't always beautiful and the size of a club's fanbase most certainly doesn't equate to success on the pitch - just ask any Newcastle United fan.


I'd sooner be watching a successful Norwich City infront of a full house of 24,000 than watching another hilarious performance from Titus Bramble (who surely must contravene the Trades Descriptions Act?) gift Everton a 1-0 win before 52,000 at St James' Park.


As a Blade, I congratulate Wednesday on their impressive attendances (especially given some of the tripe served up this season). Alas, I'm not too worried about what this season's attendances at the Lane will be because we'll be able to see how we compete against some of the world's best players.


Having said that, I'm delighted to see we've sold 18,000 season tickets, a club record.

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No Sunderland that is a load of rubbish,as for Norwich they let most of them in for free to taste Deliah's bun's or for the recipe to boil an egg.Good old Owls are there, keep it up.

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