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Paris gun attack, two dead

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Schengen is not needed to implement or maintain free movement of people within the EU: the UK is not in Schengen, and you as an EU citizen (note the distinction) can go anywhere in the EU at the drop of a hat right now, likewise any EU citizen (note the distinction) can come to the UK at the drop of a hat.


Schengen is nothing more than a luxurious convenience built upon the principle of free movement.


FWIW that (distinction) above is also why I don't think that Schengen will survive the fight on terrorism.


EU bureaucrats would have nothing to say about a Schengen member rescinding its membership, but that's not required anyway: as part and parcel of its emergency state provisions (introduced November 2015, continuously maintained since), France pretty much terminated the effects of Schengen at its borders, likewise Belgium. The France/Luxembourg border (road and rail) has been permanently security-checked since (my brother commutes to work in Luxembourg, he crosses it twice daily).


There's not been much recently on the A16 though - admittedly its tricky to ask for papers on the border at 110kph.....:)


How serious are they at the Lux border then? Full stop all cars get out etc or just watching for dubious vehicles.... The Hungarians were playing "spot the Bulgarian" last time I was over that side, but weirdy RHD Landrovers got waved through without stopping :)

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There's not been much recently on the A16 though - admittedly its tricky to ask for papers on the border at 110kph.....:)
Rest assured the douane volante ("flying customs squad") is never far, you might have spotted them spot-checking on rest areas either side of t'border.


White kangoos/scenics/meganes/307s (estates), tricolore & 'DOUANE' black lettering ;)

How serious are they at the Lux border then? Full stop all cars get out etc or just watching for dubious vehicles.... The Hungarians were playing "spot the Bulgarian" last time I was over that side, but weirdy RHD Landrovers got waved through without stopping :)
Ordinarily not, cursory eyeing up as you drive (slowly-ish) past, though you can immediately tell the difference (in miles of tailbacks) when they're intently looking (presumably based on intel). Edited by L00b
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I did say that I thought Daesh would try something in the run up to the elections, although it's not clear that this was actually a Daesh attack. They would love an FN win and will try to engineer one as much as they can.

the trouble is they jump onto every little thing and call them "soldiers" as it bigs themselves up.

this guy was convicted of attempting to kill police back in the early 00s so........?? although hes spent quite a bit of time in prison he couldve actually been radicalised in there

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