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4 more bank holidays!

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NEED or CHOOSE. There is a big difference.


I have to ask, IF the food banks were not there, would they starve to death or perhaps prioritise their money more? Are these people using them through absolute desparation or simply to take advantage because they can?


People survived perfectly well without them not too many years ago. Why this sudden necessity.


Its certainly not as simple as blaming inflation and the nasty tories all the time. Jesus, we have had far worse inflation than this and now have a copious supply of pile it high sell it cheap food from a abundance of discount stores and supermarkets that those on a low income could have only dreamed about 20-30 years ago.


I have not always had a reasonable income and neither did my family. When I was growing up as one of four kids my mum worked short hours on low pay. She could not afford to go to supermarkets filling up a trolley back then. There were no pound shops or discount megastores. She got her pay packet one day buying what food she could afford to. She cooked very economically and made everything she bought count. Everything was stretched and little was wasted. Its what people managed to do perfectly well for decades.


I makes me so angry when those on low income bang on about so called "poverty" and so called "hardship" as if its some new concept all the fault of the current government. Times have ALWAYS been hard for the lowest earners. The difference is, unlike some people today, they didn't go to the nanny state for handouts expecting their lives to be handed to them on a plate.


Well yes, I suppose they could reprioritise... They might chose to eat but not pay their rent and become homeless, or decide they can't afford the heating, and spend winter freezing, maybe they could save on council tax or water rates, and who needs electricity anyway...?


What's the problem? The choices are endless.


---------- Post added 23-04-2017 at 22:27 ----------


If you know anyone connected to the main food bank on our manor, ask them why they're never open to accept donations. I tried every Monday for month with no joy. I gave it somewhere else in the end.


I daresay they don't have enough volunteers to open every day.


However thankyou for donating. I'm sure wherever you left it, it was gratefully received.

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What's the problem? The choices are endless.


Yes they are. I'm glad we agree on something.


They could seek help. They could try to cut their costs by looking at their finances and cutting down or getting rid of something not essential until they have a better position. They could seek to increase their income through overtime or a second job or by selling something. They could in other words TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for themselves.


Times are hard when you have a low income and you sometimes have to do without until you can afford more. That's life.


IF someone really cannot afford basic food provisions when they have a roof over their head and utilities then their problems are far far beyond the simple excuse of blaming the government. There are people in GENUINE need who deserve support.

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Guest sibon
Yes they are. I'm glad we agree on something.


They could seek help. They could try to cut their costs by looking at their finances and cutting down or getting rid of something not essential until they have a better position. They could seek to increase their income through overtime or a second job or by selling something. They could in other words TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for themselves.


Times are hard when you have a low income and you sometimes have to do without until you can afford more. That's life.


IF someone really cannot afford basic food provisions when they have a roof over their head and utilities then their problems are far far beyond the simple excuse of blaming the government. There are people in GENUINE need who deserve support.


You must be quite young to have such a lack of understanding of the human condition. All sorts of different people respond to situations in all sorts of ways. People's situations change quickly, not always because of their own choices. Your self-righteousness suggests that you dont understand this.


We currently have a Government which is demonising the poor and victimising them to attempt to balance the books. This is a spineless act, they dare not take on the multinationals, the legal profession, the executives of FTSE companies who pay themselves what they wish. But cutting mobility allowances and housing benefit are ok.


Let's hope that you stay in your insulated bubble and never experience the despair that people must feel when they need to approach a food bank.

Edited by sibon
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You must be quite young to have such a lack of understanding of the human condition. All sorts of different people respond to situations in all sorts of ways. People's situations change quickly, not always because of their own choices. Your self-righteousness suggests that you dont understand this.


We currently have a Government which is demonising the poor and victimising them to attempt to balance the books. This is a spineless act, they dare not take on the multinationals, the legal profession, the executives of FTSE companies who pay themselves what they wish. But cutting mobility allownces and housing benefit are ok.


Let's hope that you stay in your insulated bubble and never experience the despair that people must feel when they need to approach a food bank.


No, I think ECCOnoob is probably quite old and has grown up benefiting from all the improvements the welfare state has brought him and still thinks the security he enjoyed then are still available.


Perhaps he's retired and doesn't appreciate how the world has changed since the crash of 2008 and how this government is privatising and dismantling every safeguard in sight. Or the difficulties people now have in employment. He certainly doesn't seem to get out much.


I love the way he thinks people should seek help without any sense of irony. I'd like to know what he classes as 'in GENUINE need.'

Edited by Anna B
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You must be quite young to have such a lack of understanding of the human condition. All sorts of different people respond to situations in all sorts of ways. People's situations change quickly, not always because of their own choices. Your self-righteousness suggests that you dont understand this.


We currently have a Government which is demonising the poor and victimising them to attempt to balance the books. This is a spineless act, they dare not take on the multinationals, the legal profession, the executives of FTSE companies who pay themselves what they wish. But cutting mobility allownces and housing benefit are ok.


Let's hope that you stay in your insulated bubble and never experience the despair that people must feel when they need to approach a food bank.


Your anti-tory anti-business anti-wealth ranting suggests you have a lack of understanding how the commerical world and someone's own earned income works. Even more so when you are trying to comapre what a private organisation spends its own monies on against taxpayer funding.


Clearly we are never going to agree and this thread has been derailed enough.


Since you so robustly suggest it, I will now go back into my bubble and cease this diversion off topic.

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The far right........Make St George's day a bank holiday now!


Jeremy Corbyn, I'll make St George's day a bank holiday along with all the other Patron St day in the UK.


Far right........wait, what?!


I've noticed very little moaning about today not being a bank holiday. Amazing how quickly people can change there minds :hihi:

If only people based their political beliefs on policy rather than personality!


Ah excellent. Expect most people to lose 4 days holiday a year as companies just absorb the new BHs into their existing number of holiday days.

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Guest sibon
Your anti-tory anti-business anti-wealth ranting suggests you have a lack of understanding how the commerical world and someone's own earned income works. Even more so when you are trying to comapre what a private organisation spends its own monies on against taxpayer funding.




On the contrary. I have an excellent understanding of how the commercial world works. So much so that judicious investment has allowed me to retire very comfortably in my mid fifties. I hope you, and many others have the same privilege.


I've just spent my life with my eyes open, that's all. You should try it. You should try talking to people who have fallen on hard times. Ask them how it happened. You might be surprised.


You could also try having a bit of a think about the cartel of (mostly) middle aged, (mostly) white, (mostly) male executives who control executive pay and who, consequently distort markets such as housing. Go on. Have a good think.


Maybe get a bit angry about that, instead of someone with very little who gets a tin of soup for free.


---------- Post added 23-04-2017 at 23:22 ----------


Ah excellent. Expect most people to lose 4 days holiday a year as companies just absorb the new BHs into their existing number of holiday days.


It really shouldn't be difficult to frame legislation to stop that from happening.

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No, I think he's probably quite old and has grown up benefiting from all the improvements the welfare state has brought him and still thinks the security he enjoyed then are still available.


Perhaps he's retired and doesn't appreciate how the world has changed since the crash of 2008 and how this government is privatising and dismantling every safeguard in sight. He certainly doesn't seem to get out much.


I love the way he thinks people should seek help without any sense of irony. I'd like to know what he classes as 'in GENUINE need.'


Those with life long physical or mental health conditions. Those who are medically incapable of any form of work. Those who have been made medically redundant through industrial accident or illness. Those who are elderley and unable to manage their own affairs. Those who have drug or substance abuse problems and are incapable of managing finances. Those who are victims of crime or abuse.


You know who I dont deem "genuine".... Serial breeders who choose to make babies expecting Nanny State to sort them out. Serial jobless who sit on their backsides taking their dole and state funded accommodation awaiting forevermore until something they fancy comes along as oppose taking whatever is necessary. People receiving in work benefits screaming poverty despite earning at the very least a national minimum and taking advantage of support services when they COULD manage on their own just like generations before them.


Now for your information I am nowhere near retirement age or what somone would deem "old age".


My "benefit" from the welfare state has been very trivial. You have no business telling me what I "know" about the current political and financial position or making snidy insults just becuase I have an opinon different to your own. You know nothing about me - who the hell do you think you are to make such wild assumptions.


I have never had social housing. I have never received JSA. I have never had EMA. I am still paying my student loan for my degree and worked paying taxes since I was 18. My first years of work was before any NMW even existed. I am not having any kids, rarely using a GP and paying privately for most of my healthcare and dental. I invest in a private pension to support me during retirement and have chosen to pay money into both life assurance and income protection to support me should anything go wrong that stops me from working or makes me medically incapable.


I have sacrificed amounts of my earnings to invest and protect should things go wrong. Its what everyone who is capable of work should be doing.


I have lived through the 80s, 90s, 00s and 10s and I have seen plenty of boom and bust times come and go. As I have said seveal times on this forum. I have previous career experience dealing with homeless and welfare law so I have a better understanding than most of seeing the system from both ends. Not just the face value that the media likes to portray.


Now, enough with the insults. This is an opinon forum. As usual you take things far too personal and start flinging out the nasties. As I said in my earlier post to Sibon. We disagree on this point. End of the matter.


---------- Post added 23-04-2017 at 23:49 ----------


Ah excellent. Expect most people to lose 4 days holiday a year as companies just absorb the new BHs into their existing number of holiday days.


It wouldn't surprise me. They have to counter it somehow.


Someone on national minimum wage with full statutory is around £1480 a year cost to the company.


Given that bank holidays do not have to be paid an employer I wonder if Corbyn is confident that people will really want to be forced to lose a further 4 days pay a year. Its over £200 a year for those on national minimum. Think how much it might cost people earning over and above that .

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Ah excellent. Expect most people to lose 4 days holiday a year as companies just absorb the new BHs into their existing number of holiday days.


If companies try that then they will cause the workforce to become more unionised.


I seen that happen at a place I worked. It wasn't about holidays but the company pulled a mean stunt, or attempted to. The union got 500 new members in a few months, and the company was forced to recognise collective bargaining rights.

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You know who I dont deem "genuine".... Serial breeders who choose to make babies expecting Nanny State to sort them out. Serial jobless who sit on their backsides taking their dole and state funded accommodation awaiting forevermore until something they fancy comes along as oppose taking whatever is necessary. .


No one likes people like that, no matter what shade of political colour they are.


But they are a tiny proportion of claimants.

Skivers have always been with us, but don't forget they were encouraged by the Thatcher and Major governments to be skivers.


In order to reduce the 4 million unemployed figures (just think on that figure - 4 million, for that is what it was) they encouraged people to take Incapacity Benefit, in order to reduce that figure to a more manageable 3 million unemployed.

Incap payment was higher than UB, and there was no signing on or interviews required.


A large proportion, nearly all, of the money from North Sea Gas and Oil went on these payments.


The problems of today were born in those years of Tory misrule and squandering of the nations wealth.

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