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Blair says he's 'motivated to return'.

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I have just watched the interview on sky and he did admit that Theresa May was going to win the election.He must think he can put some pressure on May to make her change her thinking on the single market.I was surprised at his squirming when asked if he would tell people to vote for Corbyn.I really do not see what influence he thinks he can have on brexit discussions.

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Bliar vows to fight Brexit and will return to politics and says he will get his hands dirty.


Maybe the dirt will cover the blood on them?


personally, I welcome him back now that he's succeeded in his role as Middle East Peace envoy and its a stable peaceful place!



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He appears extremely mentally troubled, and should be. Hopefully the 'Cognitive Dissonance' will fry his brain and he'll end up in a straight jacket instead of the end he surely deserves; the same end he and the rest of the 'democrats' gloated over with Saddam's hanging and Gadaffi's ripping apart.

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But Blair's 'New Labour' seemed to drop the socialist claim, hence the name.

The renaming allowed him to collect the middle class vote, which is what Labour needed to win a majority.


It was his ability to connect with women voters that led them to victory and I dont mean in a vein sense. He managed to encourage women to go out and vote. Corbyn for all his virtues just does not encourage many to vote and this is how you win/lose elections. People don't generally switch sides during an election campaign, it's about who feels compelled to get out and vote and those who do not.

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Quite simple.

Forget Blair, he's yesterday's politician.

Get rid of the Tories and vote for Corbyn.

He may not have the sleek looks of the politicians we have come to know, (Blair etc.) but he's honest and principled.

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Quite simple.

Forget Blair, he's yesterday's politician.

Get rid of the Tories and vote for Corbyn.

He may not have the sleek looks of the politicians we have come to know, (Blair etc.) but he's honest and principled.


I'm not sure that being honest and principled applies to a career politician otherwise they would be doing something else.

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Quite simple.

Forget Blair, he's yesterday's politician.

Get rid of the Tories and vote for Corbyn.

He may not have the sleek looks of the politicians we have come to know, (Blair etc.) but he's honest and principled.


why do you think Corbyn and friends dont have double standards?

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On the radio news yesterday they played a clip of him being interviewed. He said something about the current Labour party "not listening to the people".


Hmmm, wonder if he remembers the ID card scheme he was planning to bring in.






Tony Blair often used to say he was 'listening', but in this claim he was simply exploiting the ambiguity of the word listen. For example, it is possible to listen to a tap running - as a sound that we simply hear, or we might listen like a doctor listens to a patient, in order to understand and then to act. Tony Blair only ever listened to others like a person listens to water running from a tap, whilst pretending he heard and was willing to modify his policies in light of peoples' expressed needs and aspirations. Tony Blair and his New Labour cabal had nothing but contempt for ordinary people or their interests.

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