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Birds of prey over m1

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Is it just me or are there far fewer Kestrels than in years gone by? I rarely see one these days but as a kid I saw them daily.


The numbers are dropping through the floor Alan. Modern farming takes a lot of the blame but I can't help but think the increased numbers of buzzards and red kites, majestic as they are, aren't helping the kestrels.

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The numbers are dropping through the floor Alan. Modern farming takes a lot of the blame but I can't help but think the increased numbers of buzzards and red kites, majestic as they are, aren't helping the kestrels.


I live close to the edge north west Sheffield, lots of open farmland a stones throw away. I would have thought I'd see plenty of hovering Kestrels on my dog walks, but no, sadly.

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I live close to the edge north west Sheffield, lots of open farmland a stones throw away. I would have thought I'd see plenty of hovering Kestrels on my dog walks, but no, sadly.


That farmland is one reason for a decline, kestrels hunt in rough grassland which is why we often see them hovering over grass verges on roadsides.

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