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On The Telly Now - Face Covering.

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Personally I don't care if they cover there faces or not, what I will say is they will not integrate well with their faces covered. To integrate we communicate, we communicate not just verbally but visually too, a nod, a wink, a smile ..... totally lost when faces are covered.

Diversity training as someone mentioned earlier seems to be primarily directed at White British people, well diversity should be about others accepting our ways too.

Now as a tangential issue, seeing as we need to be fair in society, what do posters think would happen if football supporters started covering their faces :suspect:

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Personally I don't care if they cover there faces or not, what I will say is they will not integrate well with their faces covered. To integrate we communicate, we communicate not just verbally but visually too, a nod, a wink, a smile ..... totally lost when faces are covered.

Diversity training as someone mentioned earlier seems to be primarily directed at White British people, well diversity should be about others accepting our ways too.

Now as a tangential issue, seeing as we need to be fair in society, what do posters think would happen if football supporters started covering their faces :suspect:


here we go with the white people boo hoo, im as white as they come i dont feel threatened, targeted, held down, discrimininated against. :help:

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here we go with the white people boo hoo, im as white as they come i dont feel threatened, targeted, held down, discrimininated against. :help:


No white people boo hoo at all, what a stupid post, integration will not happen while people polarise themselves, sadly parts of Muslim communities do that and people like you are happy to go along with it, whilst at the same time complaining that a lot of white British people are not inclusive .... well I never.

As an analogy I use football supporters (your not one though), who as a group in society were and still are to some degree treated a certain way because of the actions of a few ..... see the point !

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Oh really?
Really really :)


EDIT: that t-shirt wouldn't exist in the first place, had some of the less honourable members of your faith not had such a dickie fit over some Danish cartoons, as to visit death by automatic rifle fire on 15 cartoonists and journalists in Paris on a certain day of November 2015. This is not meant as association (of all of Islam with terrorism) on my part, but just a useful reminder of the context which you first raised. It was your choice of strawman, after all.

Edited by L00b
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what do posters think would happen if football supporters started covering their faces :suspect[/b]:


I believe you mean what would happen if supporters (both male and female) congregated and attempted entry into the ground whilst wearing a face covering?


In the interest of "freedom for all", why can't any of us wear face covering when out and about in public if that's our choice , or is it just for women who appear to be muslim by their appearance?

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I believe you mean what would happen if supporters (both male and female) congregated and attempted entry into the ground whilst wearing a face covering?


In the interest of "freedom for all", why can't any of us wear face covering when out and about in public if that's our choice , or is it just for women who appear to be muslim by their appearance?


Why do we have to take our crash helmets off when we go in shops.If a motorcyclist has to reveal their face everybody should have too,regardless of religion.

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There was quite a good discussion on Phil Scoffield and his female assistants morning telly show. A pro lady muslim (I think) wearing full face covering, except for a thin slot to see through, and an muslim anti bloke with his holy book.


Seems like wearing this full face jobby is not in the holy book, according to the anti, although the veil wearer tried to put up a spirited defence for wearing one. She did admit to not minding removing said veil for security issues, passport control and the like. It was quite an interesting interview.



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I believe you mean what would happen if supporters (both male and female) congregated and attempted entry into the ground whilst wearing a face covering?


In the interest of "freedom for all", why can't any of us wear face covering when out and about in public if that's our choice , or is it just for women who appear to be muslim by their appearance?


Thanks for the loophole, says Swedish fans.


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