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On The Telly Now - Face Covering.

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And? Even making fun or ridicule (any) religion is part of our freedom.

Glorifying or encouraging of terrorism is criminal act.


Causing offence is not part of our freedom and that t shirt would cause offence, don't tell me what can and cant be done under the guise of western freedom..l

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Causing offence is not part of our freedom and that t shirt would cause offence, don't tell me what can and cant be done under the guise of western freedom..l


Religion should not be protected from ridicule and mockery. All religions are just brainwashing cults .


Why would that t-shirt cause offence ?

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Causing offence is not part of our freedom and that t shirt would cause offence, don't tell me what can and cant be done under the guise of western freedom..l


What if I tell you that burkas offend me? And perhaps some others too. Now you know they can cause offence, are you going to discourage people from wearing them?


You always come up with some ridiculous double-standards regarding your religion. It's shocking to me that you are adult British and still struggle to grasp the concept of democratic freedom.

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I don't understand this 'offence' culture. What exactly is wrong with feeling offended anyway? Its just a claim to an emotion that can't be proved. And even if you do feel offended at something, so what? Why is it such a big thing?


All seems a bit overly sensitive to me.

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